Near death experience

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Mr. compress pov:

​​​​​​I was worried for the child staying behind like that to save my life, but at this rate I'd rather her catch up with me in the morning than to drag both of us down and get caught, but on the other hand how would the others react when I returned alone?

After a while I finally reached the countryside and spotted an old barn and trailer in the distance, this must be what she was talking about! I veered to the side and jogged to the barn out of breath from not only the distance but my own wounds from the battle, I slowly slid open the door and popped myself in immediately spotting Toga, Dabi, and shigaraki. " managed to escape" shigaraki hissed crossing his arms looking a bit pissed off, "yes it was the young madam who freed me" I said huffing between words. "Were is she then?" Toga pipped up off one of the barn stalls "She said she would catch up in the morning" I mused wondering when exactly that was going to be, "what." Dabi glared at me from afar.

"Well the young girl had a wound that was slowing us both down so sh-" I started quickly being cut off by his usual husk voice "You left her wounded?" I winced because when he said that I thought about the outcome and averted my eyes from his. "Well..yes but-" I was cut off again as I felt a strong hand around my throat, his hand began burning my skin He slammed me against the barn wall. "Fucking asshole..were is she?" He practically spat in my face as he cursed, I tried to speak but I couldn't due to the pressure on my neck. He let my go and I fell on my knees looking up at him in a daze, such a strange young man. "Well?" He growled, Toga looking utterly shocked and shigaraki getting more and more pissed by the second scratching his neck even more vigorously. "Well...I don't exactly know..or remember.." My voice coming out raspy from the lack of air, He swiftly kicked me in my stomach causing my to cough and choke on air. He was mumbling a string of curse words when someone stumbled in and doing doubled over behind was y/n, just in the nick of time to..


My body was worn and my wound had gotten worse when I woke up, but it was sealed over so no more blood was pouring out. When I stumbled into the barn my body gave out and collapsed on the ground, compress was on the ground in front of me. Must have been badly injured as well, "Were were you" somebody called out recognizing his voice as Dabi's I stayed silent and attempted to pull myself up quickly being scooped into Dabi's arms, I growled why did it have to be him? dammit!

He quickly hustled me out of the barn and into the small house sitting me on the counter, I winced and adjusted myself "your such a irresponsible child." He scolded me "Am not" I barked back not in the mood for this shit, he pulled out a first aid kit and tugged at my shirt "take it off." He growled glaring at me with his ocean blue eyes, I hesitated for a second and then pulled off the shirt revealing my laced black bra. I gritted my teeth when his warm touch caressed my skin, he began inspecting the wound and put some alcohol on a rag. "Hey wait that shit bur-" I barley got to finish my sentence before the burning sensation corset its wah through my body, "Fucking ass hat bet you enjoyed that" I snarled when he slightly smirked "Im enjoying something that's for sure.." He said coldly looking up at me then down my neck and to my chest. My face went a bright red as I looked away from him, "whatever.." I mumbled my grip tightening on the counter. Once he was done cleaning my wound he motioned for me to grab his shoulder,  I blinked at him hard and he shrugged his shoulders placing his hand on my side. The heat from his hand increased dramatically and it started to burn, my hand went to his arm and my torso bent over in pain. The blue flames radiated from my skin and I let out a small squeal, I pressed my head into his shoulder and felt something tingle in my palms. Shit. "Dabi! Stop!" I tried to warn him but he fell backwards holding his arm, his skin was turning that grey color...I panicked and got off the counter running over to him and stopping his body from hitting the floor so hard "shit. Shit. Im sorry dammit." My breathing became erratic as I stared and watched him quickly die, he looked at me with disbelief as I tried to stop the disease by miraculously placing my hands on his skin.

Tears began to weld in my eyes as I saw him fluttering in and out of consciousness, not again! Please! I looked over at him and placed my hands on his cheeks something white floated down from the ceiling and landed gently on his lips, I hunched over shaking and placed my lips on his...hoping...praying that it would work. That another death wouldn't be on my hands just because of this quirk, another death that I didn't will to happen. I pulled back and he was looking at me with a blank expression, he sat up and just stared at me before I broke the silence "u-uh...sorry I didn't know- well-...the quirk" I tried to explain to him why on Gods dead earth I kissed him. "I know I'm a little jacked in the brain...but you just kissed me." He stated taking his scared hand and rubbing it over his chin his pointer finger over his lips "It was only to save your life" I hissed before standing up to leave, he quickly stopped me and pulled at my waist turning me around to face him. He pulled me in close and this time there was no alcohol on his breath my face must be having a stroke because it felt hotter than his fucking quirk. "what if I said...I liked it?" He whispered in my ear still holding my waist with his strong hands.

>>ima make y'all wait a whole week just to be petty<<


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