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I lost track of the days I was in the dark limbs became numb even besides small breaks I got to go to the bathroom or be bathed, and even then I was forced to wear a blind fold over my eyes. I pleaded with who ever touched me to let me go or to let me talk with the stitched man again but the answer was always the same the silent treatment.

After a while I even began to believe the person taking care of me wasn't even human, I thought I would die there alone until I heard that familiar ticking sound that I once found annoying. I opened my eyes and squinted a bit at the sunlight, I had been in the darkness so long that I could barely tolerate Any source of light. The tall man walked in once more and I strained a bit in my chair as the rope had rubbed my wrists raw, he slowly approached me and stopped to gaze down at me.

I looked up hopeless thinking about begging him to let me out of this hell hole. "Look at you...all desperate and weak, to be honest I thought you would have caved in a long time ago, but it seems you proved me wrong" he said in that same raspy voice, he squatted down and got in my face. I could practically taste the alcohol on his breath, nearly throwing up I looked at him coldly. "Now...tell me." He squinted his eyes and grabbed my shoulder the heat intensifying immediately causing me to wince and grit my teeth.

"Do you still think I'm a cheater? Do you still want to lash out like a wild animal?" He said in a husk voice enjoying every bit of my pained expression. I looked at him and my body began shaking, he was going to burn me alive if I said no, but every inch of my body was aching to say yes. "No." I stated roughly turning away my sanity fringing by the second, he grinned widely and burned the ropes that bound my hands and my ankles. My reflexes kicked in and I tried to stand up in run but my body immediately collapsed... Shit they drugged me.

He let out a cold chuckle before slinging me over his shoulder like I was nothing, I could feel my stomach churn and it worsened when the sunlight hit my face causing my pupils to dilate for the first time in what seemed like weeks. 

>Flash back< (≖_≖ ) you rn

It was a warm summer day and my family decided to go on a trip to the river that ran nearby in the father was carrying me on his shoulders and my mother was holding my hand as we walked down the over grown path to our spot.

My heart sang that day because this was my birthday, and since mother and father didn't have enough money for a birthday party or toys they took me to the river to see the minnows and other assorted fish. My father splashed water in my face and dumped my mothers body in the river leading her to grab her flip flop and chase him all over the shore bank, while they were doing this I stared down into the water and there was a fish fighting the current that probably seemed like a rip tide to its small body.

I reached down too the fish and touched its slimy texture, but not short after the fish began squirming wildly and thrashing about in the water making my child mind wonder and imagine what it was doing. I let out a shrill scream and watched the fish turn on its back and die, my palms were tingling and I began to cry. My parents raced over to me and looked at the fish, all of its scales had rotted and its eyes were grey, my mother and father looked petrified as they gazed soon my hands before swooping me up and carrying me home. 

>end of flashback< (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

A single tear traced my cheek as I conjured in frustration as to why I had that memory unbury itself now of all times, I know I have 3 quirks but I refuse to use any of them but one. Its unfair as to why I have three and every one else in this God forsaken only has one, I could have killed both of my parents that day...and later I succeeded in killing one, its a horrible thing. I wanted to erase my past and forget everything about it, everyone I ever loved, hated, or even liked has left me here all alone. I gritted my teeth as I even thought about using my other quirks again, even if I wanted to I haven't used them in so long It would probably backfire on me like my mothers did...killing myself just because I tried to use something so...meaningless.

We continued down the long corridor eventually arriving in a nice living room with a red velvet couch and walls with nice paintings and tapestries. He sat me down on one of the red chairs that perhaps went with the couch and I glanced around legs tingling and tears running down my eyes, this time because of the sun and the moisture in the air. I looked at the people in the room only recognizing two of them The blonde bitch toga and I couldn't remember the other ones name if it was mentioned, "Oh hello! Y/N-kun!!! Dabi has told us so much about you since we last met!!" She piped again coming over to me this time sitting down beside me practically on my lap "I must apologize for being so rude! I just wanna be friends!" She said giving me a headache. "hard pass." I said balling my fist watching rahi move across the room to sit, "why not?!! Is it because your to insecure to be friends with someone as pretty as me~?" She purred making me snap. My hand flew through the air and knocked her straight in the jaw causing her to roll backwards of her chair I laughed as I watched her clumsily sit up turning red in anger and embarrassment. Everyone simply chuckled except dabi which looked the other way and 'tweak' guy who ran to togas side doing his weird emotion thing, I could finally feel my legs and got up to stretch a bit making everyone flinch and move forward a bit.

"What-?" I mumbled feeling the warmth on my pale skin, my gaze went around the room and there gaze was on me. "Mhf- So what do you want from me so much that you captured me, eh?" I said my voice cracking a bit as I recovered "your a wanted assassin." One of them said from the corner of the room he was wearing a mask and a fancy brown coat with a cane, "no shit-" I fired back rolling my eyes "watch it." Dabi barked glaring at me, I looked at the masked man again "yes...I am an assassin" I said plainly and a bit bored. "We have all come to the conclusion that you came from the prestige school UA and-" he stated before a man with red wings walked in, my eyes widened in surprise. Hawks....what the fuck is he doing here?! Instead of tackling him like I wanted to dabi quickly walked over and touched my shoulder warning me to sit down. Hawks looked my way showing a little shock on his face before recovering back to his scheme "y/n....have a change of heart to?" He spoke trying to push my buttons with the smile on his face, I had done my internship ship with him and tokoyami back when I was in UA, dabi seemed to somehow know this because he leaned over and mumbled in my ear "stay down." I sighed heavily and sat down gesturing for the masked man to continue his speech while doing so dabi pushed toga off her chair and sat beside me, I snarled. I'm no child I know how to be smart. "So since you have Intel on the students of class 1-A would you be so kind as to tell us a little more about them?" He said crossing his legs and giving a small bow, meanwhile hawks was eyeing me like...well a hawk, bet he was wondering if I'd actually spill. I glanced at him and then smirked, "of course I will...~" I then began gathering my distant thoughts and strained to remember training. 

I started with the popular students and went down the almost never ending list explaining some of there weaknesses and restraints especially that bitch Ochacos. When I was done I looked over at hawks who was still fairly smiling but his knuckles were white what he gripped on the chair, dabi seemed to notice this as well and we both shared the same look of satisfaction. "So can I leave now? Or do you want more bullshit that doesn't matter." I said leaning back and closing my eyes I was immediately shot a look from everyone "sorry but your not going anywhere.. We need your quirks-" toga said smiling widely again. My eyes immediately opened and I glared at her standing up from my seat "excuse me?" I said as everyone got up out of there seat slowly even hawks. Dabi snarled at Toga then focusing on me again who was about to snap at all of them "quirk...s? Who told you bastards.." None of them spoke and just starred at me, "I SAID WHO TOLD YOU ASSHOLES" I roared my quirk practically begging me to bounce all of them sky high. "Dont get your panties in a twist it wasn't that hard to find out." Dabi finally spoke breaking the silence on there behalf with his low raspy voice. " explaining?" I said crossing my arms anger and confusion practically fuming out of me.

>>That was a bit longer than usual...anyways, ima be different and put my favorite 'villain' song below lemme know if u like it!<<

​(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞​​​​

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