The start of a bad ending

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The air was brisk on my face when I woke, I felt a perfect harmony play in my ears and radiate throughout my soul. Looking around I was in a lush meadow the tall wheat a golden color, I heard the wind chimes and the sound of a creak nearby... Oh.

I get it....I'm actually dead

Before I could even have a reaction I felt a soft hand brush my arm I glanced up and it was my mother, I stood up and flung myself around her neck hugging her tightly. She laughed and combed her hand through my long hair "there's my little space marshen" she whispered in my ear before I felt another hand on my back, father! I spun around just as fast and hugged his waist tears streaming from my eyes like glistening waterfalls,  "I'm sorry....I'm so sorry.." I mumbled under my tears burying my face in his stomach. He simply just patted my head in reassurance "I never blamed you for what happened...I was a monster and for that I should be thanking you that you set me free." He looked down at me smiling just like he used to, mother came up behind me and rested her hand on my back "now tell me...why are you here so early, dear?" She said in that Angel like voice filled with concern " mean you don't know?" I mumbled finding it hard to look her in the eye.

"Mom... I..I uh killed someone... Actually I killed a lot of people" I murmured my jaw tightening, she stared at me for what seemed like hours and then pulled me into a hug combing her hand through my hair again "darling I know...but I also know you did so for a reason." She whispered while dad smiled down on me as if in agreement. "That being said I don't like the notion that you've killed people and have stole souls but...parents are here for unconditional love, not unconditional support.." She said pulling back and looking into my E/C eyes. She brushed my hair out of my face and gazed up and down my body as if she was actually proud that this is how I turned out. 

"I also know...that you fell in love." She purred giving me a mixture of a that mom look and purity, my face flushed a pink and my dad erupted in laughter "You are indeed like your mother!" He exclaimed patting me on the shoulder with his strong hand, mother rolled her eyes and turned her attention back on me. " need to go back to him" she whispered. 

I froze and shook my head "W-what?!" I stumbled backwards "why?!" I felt fear and disappointment rush through my body. "B-but I did what you said! I completed my final task!" I protested and she shook her head at me "I never told you what that task was, darling" she reached out and cupped my face smiling, I leaned into her hand hurt. Father reached a hand to my shoulder and smiled at me "In this world we can only be so sure as to what is to come...I don't know the future and neither do you, but you have the chance to find out." He smiled down at me ruffling my hair, I gazed at mother and finally spoke..."ok...I will do it for you.." I sighed and smiled big for the first time in forever.

She leaned down and kissed me on my forehead "I will see you when your race is run, my little space marshen" she whispered and the light faded, I was in complete darkness.

I forced myself to move and my eyes fluttered open to be met with yet another dark room, the faint sound of a heart monitor, the eerie quiet even the temperature left me feeling melancholy. My body hurt, but not a lot it was more of a distant pain than anything. I moved my legs which were asleep and kind of numb....damn I've been sleeping for a while I thought listing off a string of curse words under my breath. Just then someone opens the door and it is revealed to be a really short bearded man in a lab coat"Oh! So your awake! I really expected you you to die..." He hummed checking my vitals "Better yet all of your wounds are stable!!!" He yelled, weird ass old man. I sat there for a second before sitting up and pulling my legs around to dangle off the side of the table/bed, "were exactly am I?" I mused at the wires and things connected go the hard surface I was on "MY LABORATORY!!!" He said flexing the muscles he didn't have, I cringed " I leave or-?" I asked a little disappointed this was what I woke up to. "Yes you may! But I will warn you things are not as they were!" He yelled after me I was already halfway to the door, I waved at him and halted "by the way...thanks for taking care of me." I growled literally gagging at the thought of me being appreciative. He nodded his head and stalked over to his fancy buttons and shit, I opened the door and walked through immediately greeted by a sweet smell, my stomach growled at it so I listened. 

I followed the smell all the way to a kitchen area I recognized as the paranormal liberation what am I doing here of all places? I thought it was locked down by heroes? I stepped into the kitchen the marble floor making my feet cold, inside was a purple guy who looked like a he one of those creatures I found with shigaraki? "Oh hello! You must be Y/N" he spoke scaring the living shit out of me, my body reacted and went into a fighting stance "whoa whoa whoa... Calm down I mean no harm!" He said lifting his hands in retreat. I smirked and laughed a bit "sorry...I guess my nerves are on the edge.." I explained "I can only imagine you've been sleeping for three whole months." He chuckled, felt like seconds..I must have been deep in thought because I didn't even realize Toga had skipped into the room "Y/NNNNN!!!!!!" She squealed running up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck hugging me tightly, I wrapped on of my arms around her and sighed "yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes smiling just a bit, "You have to go see Dabi!" She squeaked holding my hand tightly. Oh shit.

I had forgotten about Dabi...and what happened. I sighed and looked at her "why though?" I winced, I was a nervous wreck "You will see!~" she chimed pulling me out of the kitchen waving at the smoke man which waved back. She dragged me down the long twisting halls, around corners, and up stairs... Why was this mansion so damn big?!

I sucked in a big breath of air as she finally stopped, sleeping for three months hasn't had a positive effect on my body...she banged on the door causing me to jump, I heard someone groan from the other side before yelling causing Toga to roll her eyes and put her hands on her hips. "Leave me the fuck alone" that familiar raspy voice echoing from the door "But I have Y/N-" she didn't even get to finish her sentence before the door flung open and Dabi appeared. Toga smirked at me and before I could say something snarky she turned hot on her heal and skipped down the hall quickly, blonde bitch! How dare you leave me here...

I slowly directed my attention on Dabi and looked up at him, he was leaning against the door frame and looking at me with those blue ocean eyes, "dumbass.." He rasped with an annoyed look on his face.

"Excuse me?"

"You should have called for help"

"I didn't need help"

"You almost died goddamnit!!!"

"Why do you-" I started before I was quickly cut off by a strong hand gripping the back of my skull and his lips smashing on mine, my face flushed a bright red as he pulled back "You left me alone for three months...that was revenge pawn" he huffed, I rolled my eyes and bring my lips to his again kissing him back holding he would understand my returned feelings. I let go and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"You are one lucky guy touya..." I growled 

"I know.." He rasped returning my embrace 

I finally found someone to love and to keep as mine, and this time I will not let them go....

>>Authors note next page<<


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