deja vu

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I woke up to a sharp pain in my head and my lungs filled with dust, I attempted to sit up but was quickly pushed back down by a strong hand "what the fuck

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I woke up to a sharp pain in my head and my lungs filled with dust, I attempted to sit up but was quickly pushed back down by a strong hand "what the fuck..." I cursed propping myself up to see who had shoved me back into the uncomfortable concrete. It was dabi, what the fuck is he doing here?! "Stop moving" he demanded while touching my upper thigh, I snarled and tried moving once more but he repeated his actions again this time way rougher. I glared down at him to see what was so important but my eyes were greeted by a huge gash and a metal pole leaning to the side of it, he must have melted it out of my leg and patched it up...but why dammit? "How did you know I was here?" I questioned in a low growl. He stared at me looking like he knew were this was going and sighed "I saw you flying through the air, and before you ask no I don't 'care' but boss was just released from his deep sleep a bit to early and I highly doubt a pawn like you will survive his wrath on the heroes." He said coldly and then yanking my body up only for me to stumble a bit and regain my posture, "I'm no pawn asshole, I could've left anytime I wanted to do so." I barked getting pissed at his accusations, he simply looked at me with a blank expression "then why didn't you?" He said sighing again and moving forwards to catch up with the fight ahead.

I paused and stared bullet hole into his back practically fuming with anger I looked down at the rubble trying to collect myself, "Are you coming pawn?" He muttered. I didn't dare look up because if I did I would have torn his face off, "coming asshole" I growled taking a deep breath and placed down a bubble shooting me way ahead of him, I glided through the air wincing at my wounds but still enjoying the fresh air.

I landed on the ground with a thud looking around for an opening but was quickly cut of by a deep rumbling sound, my vision snapped ahead and my eyes widened in shock as Dabi was shooting forward with his quirk away from imminent death. The ground beneath me a few yards away was breaking apart and turning a deep grey color the heroes crumbling along with it, I didn't know if I should be happy or in fear of who released the sudden outburst. I quickly placed down another bubble seconds from it reaching my foot my heart racing as I realized I almost died, I flew through the air a few good times before landing on the ground checking my surroundings I was stunned by a huge creature dodging hard to the left moving out of its way it had huge spikes on its back and must have been at least three stories tall. My eyes ran up its body to find Dabi and the rest of them on his back, how the hell did they get up there?! My bubbles can only shoot me so high dammit, I groaned as I strategically placed a bubble on the ground and perched my self on a tree near its path. Hastily I blasted myself from the tree and landed myself on the beasts back climbing my way up and falling flat on my stomach at the top were everyone else was, "dammit how the hell did everyone get on here so easy?" I groaned out of breath. "I got on here as soon as beasty here took off!" The blonde bitch spoke playing with her knife "right that was a rhetorical question." I said plainly her face turning bright pink, I could've swore Dabi cracked a small grin to.

"W-whatever! I'm going to go find izukus friend and talk with her!" She smiled insanely changing the topic, this comment on the other hand perked my interest "izukus...Friend?" I spoke sitting myself up. "Yeah! The brown haired floaty girl!" She squeaked drooling a bit "I just want her blood so bad..." She went on pupils narrowing "Ochaco..." I grinned along with her "mind if I come along?~" I purred stepping in her direction "Of course! We can bond on the way there!" She squealed I rolled my eyes and forced a smile "Do be careful girls!" The masked man spoke while leaning over the computer nerd that I haven't seen before. Dabi glared at me hard as if warning me just to stay put, I simply shrugged and smiled like a bitch. Not even him was going to keep me from getting revenge on that brat, I quickly followed togas movements and leaped of the beasts back shaking in anticipation.

>tiny-weeny time skip< Ochacos location.

Toga slowed and came to an abrupt stop not far ahead of me after running a great distance, scanning my surroundings it seems its an evacuation center. Not far ahead of were we sat we spotted the brown haired girl lifting debris with her quirk...deja vu hit me like a train. She was using the same quirk she used as she attempted to murder me! I was about to charge forward when toga pushed my shoulder down "I want her to but we need to lure her out first!! There's countless heroes in that direction." She whispered smiling at me with that same inanity in her eyes "right..." I said hating that she was right, she had asked me dozens of questions on the way here ranging from 'what's your favorite color' and 'why did I become a villain' but all of them weren't as bad as I imagined it to be, she told me why she was the way she was and I sympathized with her a bit on my behalf I could sort of understand.

She suddenly darted into the alleyway nearby causing me to snap back to reality and break my train of thought she motioned for me to follow, which I did. She then brutally picked off an elderly folk from the line of people assuming for medical attention, devouring the human and shifting into its form becoming the old lady which not only threw me off guard but made me grow cautious of her. I mean she did try to kill me back when I was in that dark room, "stay here" she whispered which was weird because it wasn't her voice just some random old ladies, a few minutes went by and I grew more and more antsy and impatient. I then caught her form moving running down the street then she was speeding down a separate alleyway with Ochaco following quickly behind her. My eyes widened and my reflexes kicked in and followed them, "hey wait up!" I heard the bitch call. We were soon at an abandoned shack and I waited outside as toga shifted into her original form baring her fangs, I practically could hear Ochacos shock as I entered the room after her smiling an insane smile almost as big as togas. "Well hello there Ochaco... Its been a while~" I snarled wrapping my hair around my finger playing with it.

>>I know it takes some patience but Dabi and y/n still need some Lovy dovey development<<

>>So sorry its taking so long!!<<

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

BTW: If you think this is suspicious in anyway how I came out with all of these chapters in one day....its because this was my fanfic from Quotev before I could get wattpad. So now im just transferring it.

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