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∆ik hes like 40 but DAYUM hes fine!∆

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∆ik hes like 40 but DAYUM hes fine!∆

I woke up to a prolly feeling g in my lower back, when I finally opened my eyes I realizes the prolly feeling was due the the hay all around me. I sat up slightly confused but then remembered the events from the previous day, speaking of which I was still in the same cloths and felt horrible, I kept down from the hay loft and saw everyone else was talking in the corner of the barn. I walked over pinching my temple from the headache that was coming on. "Your finally up!!! You've been sleeping for two whole days!" Toga yelled throwing herself on me for another warm hug, " you have spare cloths? And maybe a bathroom..?" I groaned spotting Dabi glaring at me in the distance. "oh yeah! Follow me!" She piped skipping towards the barn door "but you might have to ask Dabi for cloths he the only one who has extra..." She said taking a finger and putting in on her lip in thought. Great. Just what I need, I sighed and walked over to him looking upwards because he's a living skyscraper. "do you have...cloths?" I groaned at him "yes." He stated coldly looking down at me staring into my soul "well...can I borrow some?" I wanted to slap him so badly right now "seems you always need something from me." He stated in a raspy low voice, I rolled my eyes and sighed, he frowned and reached in his bag pulling out a white shirt and black shorts. "Here. That's all I have" he shoved it in my hands and gestures for me to leave "Thanks~" I said with a wink just to annoy him, I saw his jaw tense and turned around to leave when I felt something lightly touch my back my pace hastened.. What the hell?!

After I took a shower I put on the cloths Dabi had given me with were way to big, so big that I had to clip the shorts together. Not only that but When the shirt draped down it covered my shorts so it looked like I didn't have any on to begin with. I groaned and walked out of the bathroom walking through the grass barefoot to the barn cursing under my breath about how hot it was, when I entered in everyone looked at me and then at my thighs "eyes up here assholes" I growled as the 'boss' said something to the rest of them.and turned his attention to me "come here" he said his voice pitchy but raspy at the same time. I walked and searched his body for the burn marks from the battle yesterday but didn't find any, "Dabi has told me much about you, though I don't see what he's talking about." He scratched his neck as he looked down at me, just what exactly did he say? " order for you to join the LOV you must complete a task." He said looking over at twice who was talking to toga and doing his usual weird thing, "ok...and what is this task?" I growled at the fact I'm forced to stay here but still have to prove myself "break compress out of jail" he grinned making everyone's attention snap at me "ok? How hard can that be." I muttered crossing my arms, I had broken people out of jail before this shouldn't be any different. He chuckled "Not just any prison...prison taturus." He smirked, shit that's the most locked down place in all japan!

I snarled but quickly grabbed my fear and shoved it down my throat "Fine then. Ill do it." I said cocking my head to the side with my hands on my hips, as if saying try me. He gritted his teeth and scratched his neck more vigorously "when do I go?" I asked trying to piss him off even more and it was working "tonight...pesky son of a bitch" he muttered before walking off and continuing to say a list of curse words under his breath, "Taturus?...are you insane?" I here a voice echo from behind me, i turned to find Dabi uncomfortably close behind me "is that a rhetorical question?" I grinned and chuckled a bit. He sneered and was about to say something else before he closed his mouth and frowned "your the one who suggested I break him out myself if I recall correctly~" I purred smirking at his angered expression. He knew I was right, "yeah that was before I found out that he was token to taturus" he growled getting even closer to me, so close that I could smell the typical alcohol on his breath. "Why do you care?" I blinked hard and starred right back at him, "like I said. I don't care." He said furiously "good. Then leave me the fuck alone" I snapped at being treated like a child, he stepped back with his hands in his pockets and turned away mumbling something under his breath as well. Men are so lame, I grunted and decided to to some combat training before my mission tonight because everyone knows including myself ill need it.

>>Tiny weeny time skip<< Later that night

I stepped out of the barn and laced my boots tight and made sure to clamp my hood tighter that usual, everyone was asleep and it was the perfect time to leave. I leaped though the air soaring in the direction of the prison I was told to infiltrate.

When I got there my mouth immediately dropped open looking at all of the highly advanced lasers and tech that was surrounding the place, I've only heard stories of how hard it was to get in much less get out. I moved through the trees and copied the guards patterns there's a blind spot for a quick two seconds and then the laser scans it for motion or heat, if I get over there I can take out the guards and use there absence to to my advantage. I waited and waited untilk it was time, and when it was I left from the tree and landed on the concrete giving me one second to react to the guards and another to take them out. Which I did there barely made a noise before falling on the ground splattering there cloths with there own blood, now the trick is getting through the door...

>>I will still continue this fanfic!<<

>>But I'm also working on a story called 'purpose' Check it out!<<

​〵(^ o ^)〴​​​​​​

(I might post purpose I dunno....haven't finished it yet)

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