Freedom....for a cost

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The guards were down and I only had a few short moments before suspension would be raised and I would be caught, I slowly crept to the side of the building and looked around for an entrance

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The guards were down and I only had a few short moments before suspension would be raised and I would be caught, I slowly crept to the side of the building and looked around for an entrance. That's when I spotted a square vent hidden behind some shrubs, I squatted and began to remove the screws with my needle shaped blades. The door fell and I moved inside propping the metal grate up behind me to lower the chance that I get caught, I army crawl through the vents the cold metal making me shiver. I stopped and looked down at what looked like a break room and kept moving, when I got to the end of the vents tunnel I sat up. From here it just goes upwards so ill have to drop here, I gritted my teeth at the thought of getting caught now of all times. I slowly lifted the latched and stuck my head out of the ceiling, there was no one around except more guards outside of the room. I looked and I was in another lounge area with vending machines and your other regular items, I dropped down and shot the cameras in the corners of the room.

I tipped toed to the entrance of the room and stabbed both of the guards in the neck making them flop to the ground, shit. A lady maybe a janitor of some kind looked at me shocked for a second and then began running down the hall screaming alerting the other five guards who were now shooting at me, I reacted hastily and began running down the long corridors seeing the directional sign that read prison cells at the end. I slammed my body to the wall and shot to the left hearing and feeling a small pop in my shoulder, I grunted and kept running scanning the dozens of cells. How the hell am I going to find him now!? I growled while someone cut me off from running at the top of the hall and the guards closing in behind me, "Were is compress..." I snarled looking ahead to see who had cut me off. It was a tall lady with long black hair, so long in fact it covered her eyes " dear! I don't think that should be of your concern at the moment...why don't you worry about what's about to happen to you!" She said in a smooth Flowery like voice while raising her hands in front of her, I grinned and shot multiple darts at her face. She slowly raised her hands and with one swift movement she clapped causing the ground to vibrate and my needles to stop mid air, what the hell!? "Fancy quirk you got there...what does it do?" I taunted quickly disposing of the guards behind me making her frown. "Why don't you find out. Villain!" She raised her voice and this time let out a clap so loud it made my ears ring, the other villains in there boxes began pounding on there walls and yelling all sorts of things to cheer me on.

I grinned maliciously and melted a sword in my hand, I lunged for her and she created a series of complex movements that rung so loudly that it physically damaged and bent my sword. She hand managed to push me backwards once more and my body tumbled on the ground, I stood up and scanned her body language. That's when it struck me, She couldn't see! She had reached out her hands before to feel the vibrations! I created more of my needles silently and made them levitate me in the air, she immediately froze and tilted her ears to the side trying to hear for me..."oh come on couldn't have possibly ran away now have you?" She said taunting me to make a noise, I slowly floated myself over to her and she started throwing out sloppy but dangerous attacks. Her ears began to bleed and so did mine, she suddenly let off one so small but powerful it shot right through my side causing me to fall to the ground "found you~" she purred her hands aiming for my head, as she protected herself "not quite" I growled out of desperation and grabbed her ankle "heh..what's that going to do little brat?!" She mocked me trying to kick my hand off, but it wouldn't budge.

I took a deep breath and thought of the little fish that day, all grey...all dead. She gasped as boils and blisters ran up her leg, her eyes leaking blood and her veins beginning to show through her skin. "WHATS HAPPENING TO ME?!!!" She screamed falling to the floor and gargling her own blood, I forced myself up and watched her eyes grow a dark grey I had no time to stay though I must find compress. The prisoners in there cells were cheering and banging on the glass, I quickly ran up to one of the strong females "Do you know were compress is? A tall older man with black hair? Maybe a little beaten up?" I asked desperately as I pressed my hand to the glass " hair you say? Probably on the second floor." She said her voice barely coming through the thick glass, "thank you. I will return you a favor." I quickly ran up to the huge handle and pulled on it with all of my body strength, the cells doors opened and the prisoners began pouring out by the hundreds each cheering because of there new found freedom.

I ran up the stairs slowly because of my wound determined to find compress, when I got to the second floor I immediately spotted him he was leaning against the wall seemingly resting. I banged on the glass hand startling him awake my blood stained hands leaving a smear, "what are you doing here?!" He yelled through the glass smiling and angry at the same time, I winced and moved over to the same handle from downstairs. I yanked it hard and the villains became rushing out again, I made my way over to his cell and motioned for him to follow me. Since half of the place was underwater I needed to move upwards to get us out, he tailed behind me starring at all of the blood I was outputting. There was a ladder we were approaching and I nodded my head for him to go first, which he did. Once we opened the hatch we looked around and saw all of the villains who had escaped fighting the heroes and guards, and of course out numbering them by the thousands. I looked at compress and held his hand. At first he was confused but then before he knew it we were both in the air, using more bubbles whenever we were about to hit the ground.

We jumped all the way to city limits before my body gave out and I could no longer use my quirk, I slumped over a bit "The barn is twenty miles that way" I winced pointing down the street that led to the country side that we had claimed "leave me here for the night and ill be there in the morning. No use in me slowing you down"  I whispered holding my wound in the alleyway, "I will not!!!" He protested using his usual fancy accent I glared at him and used the last bit of my energy to point a blade in his direction. "Now. Compress." I growled and before I could say anything else he backed up and gave me a look of worry before he started in the direction I had pointed him in, I looked down after I couldn't see him any longer and pressed a hand on my wound. There was very slim chances I would make it through the night and I knew it, I suppose this was what mother meant I was to do...

>>P.S twice is alive because I love him and he still has potential..<<

(Its about to get juicy)


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