Everyone knows.

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The memories I had brought tears to my eyes....

He didn't mean it...he was just drunk.

I would always tell myself this and the more I did my view on reality and what is right from wrong would twist becoming something it was never meant to be. I gripped the counter tightly and hauled my self up, and the events from tonight were finally starting to wear on my body. I lifted my eyes and shuffled myself to the couch to exhausted to take a shower that I longed for, I flopped on the couch and panic began to rise in my chest once more. The government (aka my foster parents) knew who I was, my old class knew who I was, and so did the whole world, they knew that I'm the monster that killed there lived ones...Im the bad guy.

I felt my eyes become heavy with the gravity of sleep pressing upon them, the last thing I thought was...

What am I going to do now?

​​​​​TIME SKIP >Morning

I woke up to a heavy bang in my door I quickly ​​shot up in a hurry, I still had these shady cloths I wore from last night and it was clear that I hadn't been just sleeping peacefully, my hair had visible tangles, my eyes bags were showing, and the way my body moved was sluggish. And weary from the extensive exercise of battle. I quickly raced to my bedroom and put on a hoodie with a pair of leggings, quickly trudging back to the door dreading who was there this early in the morning. I opened the door and was greeted by my landlord, she had her phone in my face and behind her were two officers.


​​​​​​"Is this you?!!!" The short stubby woman said sticking her phone even farther in my face, "N-no??? Are you crazy!?" I barked putting on a good bluff the officers simply just got tense and glared at me. "It looks like you girl....pack your things and leave. You can no longer stay here, you will attract bad guests." She demanded lowering her phone and sneering at me, the cops simply just stared at me for a seconds and them walked off knowing they couldn't do anything without a solid cause. Dammit...this is the fifth time this year! I snarled slamming the door to pack my things once again, this is the worst possible time to not only does every citizen in this damn town know my face but there's going to be streets around me practically crawling with high alert heroes.

If I want to make it out of this mess I need to find some sort of hiding place, but not too silent because then ill stop getting jobs. "Dammit I hate this" I said my thoughts out loud grabbing my night clothing and my casual cloths, this was all I really owned because any other belongings technically belonged to the apartment complex. I pinned my hair in a high bun and shoved a black mask on that covered half of my face on. Nothing to sketchy but enough to raise a bit of attention I walked out of the door and made my way to the front desk slamming the keys down on the wooden table making the landlord jump and then glare at me. If she wasn't practically innocent I would have killed her on the spot, I shuffled out of the door making my way down the street.

Someone is watching me.

I keep my head down but I can feel it, that's when it strikes me. Those cops were not there out of suspicion! They were there for confirmation! SHIT.

My body was sore but I forced myself to propel me through the sketchy streets, heard footsteps tracing my own behind me. SHIT! I forced my quirk to shoot a bubble big enough to launch me to the top of a business building, giving me time to land and harness enough energy to keep going. I heard them land behind me must have a quirk that gets them higher places easy. I thought spinning around to fight since its only one mangy hero, My eyes widened a bit as I saw who it was...I gritted my teeth at him as I feel my bubble quirk dissipate, those red familiar eyes.

"Y/N" my previous teacher Shots Aizawa states with a hint of unbelief in his eyes, he knows. I growl scolding myself for not clamping my hood better last night, "what is it old teach? Come back for another life lesson?" I snarled smiling cocky secretly wishing it wasn't him...the man I looked up to as my father, "Y/N....why?" He asked as after I spoke. Guessing he hoped it wasn't me and that it was just a mistake, "Just got tired of dealing with hero shit" I said plainly making air quotes. Little does he know this is hurting me way more than it hurts him, I wanted to hug him and apologize tell him that I'm sorry I'm not who he thought I was. It was too late though, I had killed more people than I could count in the past year I was no longer his student and I was no longer his adopted daughter. Just a villain.


VILLAIN (Touya x reader) FINISHED!Where stories live. Discover now