Join...or die

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I starred at the man gazing up and down his body tracing every single staple and patch of charred skin, "you mean that wanna be villain group?" I barked rolling my eyes. "why would I join eh? To make an embarrassment of myself?" I chuckled he glared at me when he spoke "no..because your sitting beside a damn laundry vent for heat". Touché, I crossed my arms at the thought that he was even a bit accurate "what if I don't want to join this 'daycare' of yours" I tilted my chin up feeling my blood boil I always hated men like this always thinking they could get what they want because there 'smart' or 'strong', suddenly I felt a dramatic change in temperature and a huge flash of vibrant blue clawed at my face. Fire quirk...shit.

I leaped back only to crash into the wall, I peered down to find solid ground to place my bubble but there is none. Just a huge trash heap, his ocean blue eyes traced me through the fire "if you dont...ill have no choice but to turn you into a pile of ash" it was now his turn to grin, his insanity creeping into the edges of his twisted smile. I don't have much time to react before he releases a cannon of blue flames directly my way, my arms automatically flail behind me by instinct and create a bubble on the wall and sending me flying through the air over him. His eyes widen as he directs his flames back to my but it was slowed, seems as if that strong quirk of his slows him down and I can practically smell the burnt flesh from here.

I grinned at the thought that I had learned his weakness, "If you beat me in this battle I will go with you!! but if I win I go free!" I yelled grinning even wider now. This was going to be easy...too easy, he looked at me for a long time and then nodded his head so slightly that I almost couldn't see it, I lunged forward placing a bubble on the ground before me and leaping over his head. Mid air I spin to kick him but am quickly stopped by his hand, I could feel the burn before the heat. I winced and flipped out of his grip really wishing I didn't waste my blade on Aizawa earlier, I stood again concentrating hard on any openings my foot was throbbing and begging me to stop but I couldn't, so instead of staying in the same place like an idiot I began running circles around him. He began throwing out sloppy gusts of flames his eyes darting in every direction I was. That's when I saw it a brief mistake, he turned around to were I was milliseconds ago and I took the opportunity and lunged at his back wrapping my sickle around his throat threatening him with a little drop of blood that trickled from him throat to his collar bone.

"I win~" I purred in his ear smiling widely with pride squeezing the sickle a bit tighter around his neck fighting the urge to kill him right then and there. That was until I felt a sharp sting in my lower thigh, it was a long almost invisible needle filled with clear fluid "shit..." I fell backwards my eye lids feeling heavy as my head bashed against the concrete, he crouched down to observe me more "so defenseless" he repeated my words to Aizawa taunting me "never trust a villain, you were so reckless you didn't see my sarcastic expression.." He smiled tilted his head to the right at my angered expression but it was too late to call bullshit or fight back because I was already blacking out.

>tiny-weeny time skip (ง'̀-'́)ง<

 I woke up to a dark room, so dark that it made me question if I opened my eye lids at all or I'm just dead. I tried to brush my hair out of my face but was quickly stopped by a tug, shit my arms are tied, I could feel something laced around my feet as well I frowned at the events that occurred before this. That bastard...I thought angry and frustrated that I lost and let my guard down in such a way, stupid drama shit is actually getting to my head. I should at least be glad it wasn't a hero who managed to capture me, I thrashed my chair around slightly groaning at my leg trying to ignore it. In the distance I hear a ticking noise, not a loud ticking noise but a small almost unbearable noise... I perked my ear to the direction it was coming from and called out "hello?" I said my voice coming out a bit harsher than I thought, suddenly a ray of light flooded in while a door in the left corner opened. I breached myself for who would walk in, a average height blond girl strides in and flashed a toothy smile at me "Hey twice! She's up!" The girl pipped skipping my way "Dabi said we shouldn't- HOORAY! She looks weird-" the man who wore a suit of gray and black spoke his sentences not quite making sense. I snarled at both of them thrashing around in my chair. The girl just starred at me with insanity written on her face, "hmmm! I understand why dabi wanted you now! So fearless! What's your quirk, can I have a taste?" She said cupping her chin in her hands. I starred blankly at her confused and slightly concerned for the girls well-being I glanced over at the weirdo who couldn't form sentences and he simply just shrugged and crossed his arms.

The girl revealed her knife and lifted my chin my breathing becoming erratic as my heart raced, but I didn't dare let this bitch see it. "Mhm! I think ill just dispose of you now! Those beautiful eyes and hair make me a bit jealous!" She said smiling big and her eyes becoming more narrow by the second. She got in my face and began humming a tune I didn't recognize as a drop of crimson red dripped down my neck. "T-t-toga dabi will be cross!!! YEAH STOP!!" The man in the doorway cracked, "she can't be that important twice!" She said still admiring my facial features. Just then the stitched man walked in and pushed both of them out of the way, I gritted my teeth and sneered "YOU FUCKING CHEATER LET ME GO!" I roared thrashing in the chair causing it to fall over and hit my head on the ground "stop being so pathetic" he said in a raspy tone picking me up harshly, I growled and tried to bite his hand. It was the only defense I had left dammit, he quickly yanked his hand away and starred at me blankly "fine then you can stay in here and rot for all I care.." He stated turning around with no intention of stopping "WAIT DAMMIT!!!" I yelled after him my head throbbing with pain, he simply kept walking and slammed the door shut leaving me in complete darkness once again...

>>Hello! If you are wondering why our quirk is so weak at the moment it's for a reason! Don't worry the character development will improve!<<


VILLAIN (Touya x reader) FINISHED!Where stories live. Discover now