The right side...?

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I hated my obedience, But with a tear stained face I warily got up my body still shaking from the shock of even considering I killed my own mother. The person who loved and cared for me the most, I shoved his hand of my shoulder and looked up at him "what do we do about this mess?" I said looking at the array of hero and villain brawling, "fight. Though I highly doubt there here just to kill us all...they want something." He narrowed his eyes and starred at a building to the high left. "I'm going to wait for...someone. You on the other hand can defend that building up there, it has our 'boss' in it." He spoke coldly giving me of what I assumed a trusting look, but who knows this guy is very hard to read. "Whatever..." I murmured at the fact I'm being bossed around, I hastily popped a bubble down and made my way to the building landing softly on its top. My arms were on fire probably because of the quirk I haven't used since I was much younger, I could only imagine how far I would hold out and not only that but they were starting to become number by the minute.

I crashed through the ceiling and was greeted my a laboratory with tubes of weird abominations the liquid holding them a light blue a few of them twitching occasionally. The ceiling had rows and rows of wires, my jaw slightly opened when I saw a white haired man floating in one of the tubes. Is he even human..? His skin was a deep grey color and his ribs were showing, he looked like one of these other twisted creatures. I walked up to the glass and placed my hand on its smooth cold texture, "what happened to you?" I whispered looking around for any sort of direction in what I'm looking at, I then spotted a drawer that was hanging out of place, probably from the rumbling of the building. I walked over and opened it to its full extent to find a bundle of neatly stacked files, opening one of them I found names and pictures reading 

Specimen: 001

Name: Kawasaki Takahiro

Age: 20

Quirk: minor paralysis

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(sorry y'all its really hard to make it look like a nomu)

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(sorry y'all its really hard to make it look like a nomu)

I stared at the file blankly before getting a weird unfamiliar feeling in my chest, "these were people...?" I whimpered covering my mouth with my hand for a second before putting the file back and contemplating what the fuck I'm supposed to feel right now. "Disgusting isn't it?" Someone's voice called in the hall making me on high alert, a tall woman I recognize as a top hero appeared she had white hair and tan skin and...a nice frame to. "Its no different than you heroes" I spat shooting daggers at her with my eyes, she shrugged her shoulders and flew herself at the white haired mans tube grinning and aiming right for the middle. I shot out my spikes and created a Barrier around his tank causing her kick to be in vain, She let out a yelp as her foot began to bleed "WHAT THE HELL!" She roared getting up with a shook expression her fired gaze landing on me. "hmmm...underestimated me I see?" I purred dodging out of the way when a second person entered the room.

Holy shit is that....endeavor? "Stand down villain" he spoke loudly aiming his hand at me. What a peice of absolute donkey shit! I would be a way better hero than he could ever be and im a damn villain!What the hell is he even doing here? Reality suddenly played its part and shook me awake this 'boss' was more important than just some dumb thug that the heroes wanted, "nah..." I grinned widely almost forgetting that I'm here my quirk reared upwards and thrashed itself around making it hard to control and my limbs tingle almost going completely numb, endeavor shot out a wide range of fire blasts while the other hero kicked and scrambled about trying to get to the boss. I put my body in between both them and the tube prepared to guard it with my life "I'm going to say this one last time villain. Stand down." He barked his hand turning a burning orange color and his flames becoming whiter by the second "like I said, no I won't " I said a sense of pride sinking in. I lunged at the girl unexpectedly and caged her in a mound of spikes crushing and crippling her lower body, grinning at the satisfying popping and crackling noises. She screamed in pain and I laughed in pleasure! A strong wave of heat caused me to stumble back and my eyes widen in shock he released his attack and aimed it my way last second causing my limp body to fly out of the building and into a pile of rubble nearby. My limbs cried out in pain one last time before they went numb, my breathing slowed my eyes catching ash that was flying in the air. "Shit" I growled before fading into the dark and lonely abyss.


"Mommy!" My young voice called as I ran into the hospital room, she faintly blinks at me and those pink thin lips managed a smile. She had hoses and tubes connected to all parts of her body, but as months went on I learned to ignore it my young mind imagining she was some sort of space man preparing for outer space. I leaned on the side of the bed and watched her silently "when are you coming home mommy?" I squeaked as I traced circles on her hand, she slowly picked up the device her hands shaking and the robotic words came out "Soon. Baby." It said not quite sounding as sweet than if she were to say it. I looked at father smiling but he seemed to be in a blank as tears were forming in his eyes, It was often times he had these...well since mother got sick anyways. "Ok mommy! I can't wait!" I said cheering and doing a little spin, she coughed and she opened her mouth as if she was trying to speak "" She said leaning back out of breath. At first I was confused but I spun around and returned the gesture "I love you too mommy!" I squeaked squeezing her hand.

>>Wooo! Another chapter! I would like to thank the people who read this, its highly encouraging!<<

  ( ^◡^)っ ♡

VILLAIN (Touya x reader) FINISHED!Where stories live. Discover now