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Y/N....We can fix this....please don't fight it." He pleaded keeping strong eye contact with me, my hands twitched in anticipation as be took a step towards me. Why am I always fighting on buildings? I asked my self smiling just a bit at my conscious, I took a leap at him throwing my leg high in the air to drop kick him. He blocked the attack by grabbing my foot mid air, I grinned wildly as I retracted the blades on the heal of my boot. He grimaced as the Blade went through his right hand, quickly recovering he used his special cloth to wrap around my other ankle to slam my body it the ground knocking the air out of my lungs..."Bastard" I said loud and clear his cloth tightening on my ankle cutting off my circulation.

All I could do was grin at the man as he looked down in disbelief and disappointment "what wrong....? Can handle that one of your students betrayed you? You should really try ther-" I taunted quickly being cut off "Shut up...child" He muttered looking the other way distraught that this is even me speaking, I suppose he was suspecting that I'd cave in if he heard my sob story. This was not the time though, perfect~ I unleashed my quirk and made his body Soar through the air creating a bubble under his foot. I hastily launched myself into the air and jabbed at his face causing his head to hit a near by garbage can, his goggles were broken and there was a trickle of blood leaking from his brow he squinted in pain. Yet he still glared at me activating his quirk once more, "I feel bad for you frail. So helpless..." I Sneered at him a small sense of deja vu hitting me. "Why..." He mumbled and I could tell he was trying to stay conscious "I already answered that...but if you want a deeper explanation" I shrugged and leaned against the wall preparing to talk to him, I could tell he was stalling for the other heroes coming this way. We had been taught this in class, but I wanted him to hear this.

"I loved izuku...more than usual, I admired him and wanted to be by his side. The only problem was that bitch Ochaco liked him too" I paused looking up at the hazed sky wondering why I was telling my teacher this, "She became jealous of my feelings and tried to get me to rid of them, I pleaded with her and told her I was trying to and that I wouldn't come in contact of izuku again if it made her happy. One day though...just one horrible day she snapped all because izuku had looked at me the wrong way" I grinned even wider intertwining my fingers through my hair, the insanity leaking in "she made me float so high that day that I swore when I hit the ground I was a different person!" I chuckled and then looked at Aizawa holding out my arms.

"YOU SEE!!! EVEN THE BEST OF US ARE CORRUPT!! EVEN YOU SO CALLED HEROES!" I ranted Aizawa looking at me like the insane person I was but also a hint of shock on his face. I starred him down and slowly turned away at the sound of sirens, "where are the heroes when our 'guardians' or 'friends' beat us senseless?" I murmured turning the corner and breaking his eye contact with me. I launched myself into the air once more heading into the general direction of an much less crowded town.

 I launched myself into the air once more heading into the general direction of an much less crowded town

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∆Just an idea of what I picture∆ (AI)

When I arrived at the town the streets were empty except a few little kids putting up some toys they left out and then running inside. I pulled my hood up for extra precaution and made my way to the small space beside the house...this way I could feel the heat coming from the washroom vent, it smelled of my mothers smell giving me deep nostalgia, I sighed and leaned my head back despite being a little cold. I beard something crunch in front of me and thought I had been busted by the owners.

I looked up to see a tall figure starring down at me, he also had a hood shielding his face and his demeanor was dark. "What do you Want asshole I'm trying to rest" I snarled unafraid, he starred harshly and removed his hood but even though it was still hard to see in the darkness around us, it was enough to make out his features the moonlight lit up the staples he had on his body and his ocean blue eyes scanned me, in a weird twisted way he was beautiful... And rather different. I didn't dare let him read me though I quickly stood up in a fighting position "you greet all strangers like this?" He asked in a deep raspy sarcastic voice, I grimace at him as he towers over me. "You know iv been searching for you a long time...and I consider it rude that you give me the silent treatment...and act so..difficult." he barked, a blue flame flickering in his palm. "What. Do. You. Want." I demanded baring my teeth a bit, "I generally don't want anything boss wants you to join our little group." He said still burning a hole into my eyes. My eyes narrowed to slits as I clenched my teeth "group?" I asked a bit intrigued, "Yeah. The league of villains." He prompted leaning a but on the wall creating a chance for me to escape if I wanted to. I sat there for a second before a millions questions and thoughts filled my mind...League of

>>Hello friends, hoped you liked that chapter...finally introduced touya after 3 chapters!!<<

VILLAIN (Touya x reader) FINISHED!Where stories live. Discover now