The battle begins

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∆help the one time I didn't know what to put∆

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∆help the one time I didn't know what to put∆

(Authors note: Often times in fanfic I find that Dabi is displayed softer than usual so I just want to remind you that he is in fact very cold. So bare with me as I make this work.)

"You're a real annoyance.." Dabi mustered looking slightly bored I gritted my teeth and starred at him for an explanation, truth is I'm pissed off. No one ever knew about the way my quirk worked until now and it had to be them of all people. He sighed seeing I wasn't backing down "We've been tracking you ever since UA..." He said in a low menacing voice, "Toga had mentioned you when she was watching the news. Recognizing you as a fresh men. The news apparently mentioned that they had suspicion as to were you were at that moment and they were right, your a villain now." He said sensing a weird anger in his voice, hawks on the other hand was looking at me in either pure disgust or betrayal... Probably both. I looked at everyone "So let me guess, you used one of these fancy folk to get my private information?" I said with shock and almost admiration when he did that little subtle nod thing with his head. I sighed "well that's to bad." I stated as all of them looked as if they were going to pounce on me, "what I mean is I can't use my other quirks" I looked away slightly embarrassed and upset, the masked man chuckled "of course you can dear! It is just that you refuse to do so..." He mused 

"What do you..." I paused feeling my anger finally start to boil over.

"know about me?" I made a low chuckle and activated the bubbles I had placed under there feet while they were rambling on, it really wasn't that hard to connect the dots as to how they learned so much about me. They all zipped through the air and landed hard on their backs I let out a high pitched laugh seeing all of them in the pile, though my attack didn't effect hawks he simply was just floating in the air. Before all of them could get up hawks zipped behind me and whispered something in my ear "'ve betrayed us all..." I grinned widely as all of them starred at our interaction "you know... Your the one who killed your mother." He said slipping a feather blade from his back.

Dabi slowly shook his head as if to warn me not to act rash. "Liar..." I growled "really? Then why did she get so sick after the day you went on vacation" he murmured not giving me time to react as the ground began to slightly shake, then the radio-com went off calling off intruders as they entered the mansions perimeter. Everyone's faces went blank as if they predicted the attack, it seemed as if I was the only one happy about this invasion! it was finally fair game! I lunged at hawks throwing heavy punches only to be met with air...dammit he was to quick "YOU RUINED YOU'RE LIFE!!" He barked flying back into the open sky causing my body to halt he pinched a nerve frustrated tears running down my face, "no...that's not true" I whispered not directly at him more convinced I was denying myself of the truth. "Oh but it is~ everyone you ever loved left you because of you" he repeated feeding on my anguished expression, I felt something inside of me churn and twist I looked up at him with insanity written all over my face I cracked a huge smile and the bubbles around me started morphing into something else. The spikes...the black blades floated around me, my fathers weak quirk evolved into something immaculate, i gazed in awe and in pride my head bobbed to the side as I felt the black material slither around me into a clever formation. I glared down at hawks "You may be correct.... but who gives you the right to judge me, eh?" I smiled down at him as my quirk formed its final features "DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE YOU BIRD BRAINED BASTARD!!!" I erupted shooting vicious attacks through the air slamming him to the ground and back up again gnashing him with my quirks teeth hearing his bones crack vividly in between them, I was just about to finish the job when I heard my name being called.

"Y/N stop! There's no need to do this!" I swirled carrying my prize in my caged teeth, I immediately released the almost dead body and it him the ground hard making Red feathers fly out in numerous directions. I lowered my body and the black needle like blades faded into the air once again, "izuku." I spoke harshly he began crying and tried to step forwards to entrap me in his arms like he used to. I looked up at him and gazed into his green Emerald eyes "No izuku back away. I have killed countless people... And have watched their bodies rot into the earth, I'm not longer the Y/N you thought you knew. We are enemies now, I hope that bitch Ochaco makes you happy like you made me" I growled and he returned a confused teary face, I activated my quirk again and lashed him quickly across his eye slamming his head to the ground "No matter how hard we all try izuku..there will always be two sides of us in a constant battle and in my case the anger and grief won. I hope you open those beautiful eyes one day and realize that you aren't so holy." I snark and then blast myself back with a bubble searching for the others, guilt running up and down my back and the anxiety kicking in. 

I'm using the quirk...

The quirk that killed my father...

I don't deserve this...

It so unfair!!!

I began to hyperventilate and my body collapsed on the grassy ground ignoring the people around me brawling corpse started levitating as tears ran down my cheeks 

Did I really kill my mother..?!

I was going to continue deeper into my thoughts when I felt a strong grasp on my shoulder "get up." A deep raspy voice demanded as those same ocean blue eyes pierced my soul.

|>>Man what a chapter! Tell me what you think below!<<|

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