Revenge is a b!ch

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I could see the look of sudden regret on her face as she mumbled something under her breath, "S-s-stay back!" She cried stumbling a bit on the rotted wood behind her at which I felt a rush of sudden pride. "Awww Ochaco don't you wanna catch up?~ tell me how things are since you tried to...kill me." I mocked getting a strange look from toga, "listen I'm sorry, ok!" She squeaked running towards me and throwing herself at my feet tears of fear and regret glistening in the sunlight peering through the broken and decayed roof. I twitched and then yanked her hair by the root making us face each other "you know what's funny? You weren't sorry until you saw how unstable I weren't sorry until you saw my angered expression! You are a coward." I growled in a deep gravely voice, she winced and her eyes became full of desperation as she grabbed my leg and summoned her quirk only to be met with mine slicing at her hand creating a huge gash.

Her pinky and ring finger flying off and twitching for a few seconds before sitting in a pool of blood, "AAAAAAAGHHH!!!!! YOU BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!" She screamed cupping her hand as she looked at my floating body hitting the ceiling for just a second and then coming back down with a small thud. Toga started to drool and ran over to the remains of her hand and scooped them up in a small tube "I hate you...but I want to thank you for opening my eyes and showing me that being a hero just isn't worth it!" I shouted and walked over to her slumped over body kicking her hard in the stomach making her roll back in pain as I heard that satisfying crack once more, "and for that ill make this quick and almost painless" I obsessed smiling a psychopaths grin mimicking a huge spike with my quirk and shoving it through her skull.

Her eyes widened with tears and crimson red ran from her mouth, she knew she was dead and that last scream was worth all of the waiting and anticipation. "revenge is a bitch isn't it ochaco~" I whispered in her ear as I felt her body go limp, Toga starred at me then smiled giving me a hug which I didn't dare return because I don't do that kind of thing anymore. "Feel free whatever you like with her" I whispered and then trudged my way out of the building unsure if I should go back to gigantomachia or just leave now that I have gotten my sweet revenge, I looked down and saw I was drenched in blood. I could totally go for a shower right now I frowned, but they would just track me down again and I would just be in the same boat if not worse knowing Dabi he would burn me alive. I groaned and started running towards the beast again holding on to faint hope I could at least get up with out struggle this time.

​>>Tiny weeny time skip<< Gigantomachia

I was breaking a small sweat when I reached the beasts location, I peered out of the woods and saw that everyone was no longer riding his long rigid back but that he was on the ground tied up in huge thick metal cords and everyone else fighting for there lives including the heroes which were slightly overpowered. My pace immediately picked up a little pissed that I missed out on the fun, I ran over to gigantomachia who was tied down and began to saw through them with my quirk quietly avoiding best jeanest who looked in worse condition that any of them. Not fully understanding his quirk he quickly darted my way and tried to remove my hands from what I was doing with thin but sharp thread, my hands began to bleed trickling streams of blood before I broke through the thin material and kicked at the last bit of the wire which snapped off and whipped into the air making gigantomachia thrash in the other wires and break the rest of them off.

Best jeanest let out a series of curse words before facing me with furious eyes "Your pretty weak for a top hero!" I spat chucking a bit and doing a quick back hand spring away from him and onto the beasts back and up into the air, he began moving in a fearsome manner not feeling my body struggle to stay on his back, I twisted and turned trying to look for an opportunity to strike some where else but to my surprise spotted endeavor, Dabi, and todoroki battling each other. Must have been the people he was 'waiting' for before when I had so graciously been 'saved' by him, I hurried over and saw that his hair was pure white, not black...but white I was slightly curious if that was his original hair color, I shook my head of the weird thought and traced his actions and prestige movements.

He truly was giving this battle his all along with the others, the 'boss' and the masked dude were battling there chosen heroes even seeing izuku being battered and bruised. I could feel the tiny space I still had for him in my heart ache wanting to aid him, though I shook it off and lunged at todoroki who was helping his father cool off due to his quirk. He gave me a shocked expression before leaping backwards, I had a feeling Dabi wanted to rid of him himself so i laid of small attacks just enough to keep him from aiding his father. Why I was helping Dabi? I had no idea and by his expression he didnt know either. I growled at my actions and continued to lay off minor attacks at my old classmate who just countered my attacks in pure shock "Y/N stop this..." He hissed as I accidentally knocked him to the ground I ignored him and waited for him to get up as his fathers attacks became weaker and slower due to the heat his body was producing.

​​​Just then Was blasted forward into the rocks by a strong force, I looked up and saw bakugo towering over my body sneering at me with that dumb look of his "You bastard...what makes you think you can betray us and get away with it?" He growled aiming his gauntlet for my head, for the first time this whole battle I felt true fear...not of the gauntlet...not of him...but of the history we had. He was like a brother to me back in UA...Shit.

>>I promise ill wrap this up soon! Sorry in advance!<<


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