The final battle

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I sat there in shock as he aimed his gauntlet right for my head his posture tense, he knows the outcome of what will happen if he releases the pin that triggers the explosion. It will kill me, I try to move my arms but they've gone completely numb. It suddenly hits me that this is exactly how Ochaco and Aizawa felt, I hated it I will not back down I am no coward I'm nothing like them begging for mercy when I reaped my own consequences. "go ahead. Kill me." I growled staring him dead in the eyes, he starred right back with a torn expression.

I'v hurt my un-biological father, hurt my past lover, and killed my enemy...I won't stop for some dumb ass blonde that I used to call my brother. "DO IT YOU FUCKING COWARD!!!" I roared tears of frustration rolling down my face as I tried to desperately move, he flinched slightly and frowned moving the pin even farther away from its resting place "YOU HAVE NEVER HALTED YOUR FURY BEFORE! DO IT!!!" I screamed not necessarily at him but at the world, I could feel the remains of my heart tearing into microscopic pieces. I never hated the world, I never cursed its name, I never took it for granted until the world started hating me, fate has chosen my path and it isn't bright. That was decided the second I received my God forsaken quirk, I cried and thrashed around screaming as if I was a wild animal releasing a string of curse words my voice cracking and slowly running from me.

I stared downwards and prepared for the attack that never came, that's when I felt a warm embrace... It was bakugo he...hugged me? My eyes widened in horror as I knew what was about to happen, I had no choice I couldn't let this happen! He couldn't possibly change me now. I tapped the ground lightly with my foot creating a bubble under his, "I'm not who I used to be...I'm sorry brother" I whispered in his ear before sending him sky high. I quickly moved my feet to stand myself up and stumbled my way over to the woods but was stopped shortly by best jeanest who I forgot existed, he had wrapped a thick piece of thread around my neck and shaved my to the ground he was pulling tightly causing me to slump over coughing and gasping for air.

"Villain you have been warned multiple times, yet you did not head them now you will suffer the consequences." He said in his usual sophisticated tone even though his eyes were blood shot and showed signs of major fatigue, my neck gave out and directed my vision upwards to the cloudless blue sky. I started to see dots and blurs my choking becoming less often, my lungs cried at me as blood trickled from my mouth. I winced and gave up, letting death seep in was easier than I had imagined, Staring up at the sky like this reminded me of my childhood days, or even the hero missions I went on with izuku and bakugo it would always give me a illusion that I was loved. The sad part was I could feel myself breathing, this is how I knew I was dying as I smelled honey and caramel the breeze swiping my chin and carrying away my tears. I smiled as I heard my mothers voice, then suddenly she was right beside me she held my hand and traced circles on it just like I had when she was in the hospital. "your not done have one more task little alien" She whispered lightly tapping my nose with her finger, she had used our codes names that I came up with when I was young and innocent, when she was alive.

I let a small agonized escape my lips as I longed to be with her, "be strong...defend your planet!" She said removing the rest on my tears with her soft touch and gazing into the sunlight her image slowly fading from my eyes and leaving me alone to face reality. It was just an illusion I told myself suddenly feeling the fabric around my throat again and my arms coming back to there original senses, I was about to fight back when the fabric was released. I leaned over and caught myself gasping for air and choking even more, I spun around to see Dabi had burned the restraint and was now rushing towards me. My legs shook like a newborn deer as I tried to stand myself up, but it was in vain. Not enough oxygen, Dabi grabbed hold of my waist and put me on his shoulder not even slowing from the weight. I tried to deny his help but I couldn't speak due to the pressure on my stomach and the after math of being denied air, he ran through the woods and shot out to the clearing to follow a floating figure in the air. My mouth slightly dropped open.

It was that 'boss' of his and the rest of the gang well...everyone except the masked man, I turned and pushed myself up on his back to search for him only to find he was on a stretcher in the far distance being carried into and ambulance. "No..." I said my voice raspy as I tried to reach for him with my hand as though I could pluck him out of captivity, he had been so kind and respectful to me for the time being I didn't like to see him being captured. Dabi seemed to notice this and moved his shoulder for me to relax, mainly because he was almost out of stamina and hated carrying me. "You can break him out later pawn" he mumbled before picking up pace again, I leaned back down and pushed my face into his back exhausted from battle and not in the mood to argue with him at the moment. My breath slowed and my eyes fluttered shut falling asleep and this time having no dreams...just a peaceful rest.

just a peaceful rest

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>>heh...totally wasn't intentionally or anything...heheh...<<


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(I was so proud of those stats😂)

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