no, no, no, a thousand times no.

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∆not mine∆

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∆not mine∆

My body froze as I tried to make sense of what just came out of his mouth, "w-what do you mean?" I asked realizing that was the most dense shit I could have said. He brushed my wound gently before pulling me more into his chest "You know what I mean pawn." He said his voice deep and seductive, hell no this is NOT happening.




A thousand times no. I blinked hard and tried to cool down as I stepped out of his grasp "um...sorry for almost killing you." I cringed at what happened all of the way back to the barn, shit that was close. Just as I has thought that I was over my little fan girl shit, my face flushed bright red again when I remember how he griped my waist. So 

I stoped myself mid thought and focused on greeting shigaraki and getting some much needed sleep, I walked up to him and Judging by his expression he seemed to be pissed with me. "so boss...can I be part of this..league?" I grinned and stared deep into his soul knowing he couldn't say no to me after what I did. "Don't piss me off..." He growled before looking and walking over to twice, ill take that as a yes..I smirked and made my way back up to the hay loft laying down on the uncomfortable prickly hay revising what had occurred these last few days. I got my revenge.. I conquered my trauma...and- I stopped there knowing what was coming next, I need to stop thinking about him. I turned over on my side and let exhaustion win its fight its been Waring at all day...

Dabi pov-

I carried her in my arms glancing down at her every once and a while, the wound she has was bad and it was surprisingly sealed off by a thin slip of skin, must be that strange quirk of hers. She grunted and wiggled in my grasp making me to stop at the kitchen and sit her on the counter, such a nuisance I don't understand why my conscious insists on taking care of her.

I approach her with the bandages and other cleaning supplies in my hand and set in down "take off your shirt" I demanded just a tad bit of me wanted too see her anyways, she hesitated but then slowly peeled off the shirt I had given her the other day before she got hurt. She pulled off the last bit and revealed a black laced bra. I caught myself starring for a second and quickly went back to what I doing before, like I said....A nuisance. I inspected the wound and brought out the penicillin and alcohol, I reached for the rag and put some of the chemicals on it "hey wait that shit bu-" she squeaked before I dabbled it on her skin she visibly winced and I almost smirked "Ass hat I bet you enjoyed that" she growled causing me to make eye contact and then my gaze slowly drifting down her exposed chest "I'm enjoying something that's for sure.." I mumbled enjoying the sight, her face turned a bright pink color and her hair swisher at she looked away "whatever.." She mumbled back. Once I finished cleaning of the wound I nodded at my shoulder for her to hold onto, she sneered and I shrugged I placed my hand over her wound and started increasing the temperature. Im going to have to Cauterize her wound shut or else it risks infection, her E/C eyes went wide and she burrowed her head into my shoulder making it a bit harder to reach. I was about done when I heard her yell something, "Dabi! Stop!" I looked down at her thinking it was because of the pain but something radiated pain in my shoulder, my hand went to quickly grab it but it was turning grey I fell backwards hitting the ground seeing the panic in her eyes and feeling the disbelief in mine, just how many quirks does she have?! I felt her soft touch on my skin as she continued to apologize tears falling from her eyes, I could feel my body giving out and dying I looked at her with wonder. Why the hell is she so upset, she hated me a few seconds ago. My vision started to go blurry and my breathing halted.

Am I dead? 

This can't be it...

I still need to kill that brat and that asshole endeavor.

As I continued to fight my fate I Suddenly I felt a warm sensation accumulate in my body, opening my eyes I saw her. She had her gentle lips on mine and was breathing very hard, her breath brushing my face as a fresh linen cloth, I was just about to kiss her back and jump on her before she pulled off and starred at me with an embarrassed yet relived face. 

"Now I know I'm a little jacked up in the brain just kissed me." I smirked slightly as she got up and quickly recovered 

"It was only to save your life!" She squeaked wiping tears and turning to leave.

I made no hesitation and quickly pulled her back into my arms pressing her tightly into me "What if I said....I liked it?" I mumbled in her ear, "we what do you mean?" God she was adorable, "you know what I mean pawn" I growled.  Just as I was about to turn her around and kiss her again. She twisted out of my grasp and "Um...sorry for almost killing you." She whispered her face as red as a fire truck, I snarled as she walked out of the door without another word.

"I wanted so much more..." I grinned knowing I will get my way. 

>>sorry for the later release... Step mom issues💀<<


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