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^what I pictured Y/N as A hero(AI)^

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^what I pictured Y/N as A hero(AI)^

Bakugo POV:

There was no way in hell...there was no way. Dammit. It was her, her of all people. 

She killed uravity.. She stabbed Aizawa and she flung me off of her she used to be scared to even hurt a damn spider. Why did she change?! I will never forget her words...the words that made me shake to my core. 

"Im not who I used to be sorry Brother

She had called me brother dammit!!! It wasn't supposed to end up this way! I loved that fucking brat and this is how she repaid me?! I felt my hands sparkle as I gripped the hospital beds railing, a tear slid from my eye in frustration. I didn't see it coming, I didn't see her pain it was all my fault I should have stopped that bitch before she dared lay a finger on my sister.

Just then the door flung open and that damn nerd stepped through, "k-kachan are you...crying?" He said in that usual dumbass voice of his. "NO FUCK OFF NERD" I roared looking down avoiding his eyes. "Kachan...I was close to y/n to..i-" he began his presence annoying me.

"Shut it Deku...she was like a sister to me...I don't understand. She fucking loved you Deku." I growled glaring at him from the bed, his eyebrows shot up and he rubbed the back off his neck his dumb face flushing a bit red, "I know...I-I loved her to...but kachan she's not who she was....she attacked me." He looked down his hair covering his face a bit, I knew the damn nerd was crying such a fucking pussy. My heart dropped when I heard him say this not only because she attacked the person she loved most but because I knew it was true she was no longer the person we thought she was. I looked down in thought and then came to a conclusion, "Deku...when it comes time. We will both take that bastard down" I said in a raspy voice, he looked at me and nodded slowly. 

We didn't know, the old y/n slipped under our noses and now she's gone.

Y/N pov:

I woke up to a shake to my shoulder, it was Toga and she warned me to stay quiet. My instincts told me to scan the area before getting up, I did and concluded that it was one: night time and two: the police were right outside. I suppose the neighbors or someone got suspicious as to were the people were or maybe somebody spotted us, either way we needed to get out of here. None of us were in the position to fight, everyone was outside hiding when toga led me out of the barn and into the nearby woods. I was still groggy but I could make out my comrades dark outlines, "We need to find a place to go..." One of them growled judging by the voice probably spinner, "Can't we just kill off another elderly folk?" Toga piped darkly. So they did kill them, damn.

"Cant do that the whole area will be on lock down" Dabi said from behind me. When the fuck did he get there? I shivered at the thought of his sound less footsteps, "I did have an old shack back near the paranormal liberation mansion.." I whispered putting my finger on my lip in thought "though it might be a bit cold its sturdy and could keep us out of the weather" I continued, I had left that shack because it was to far from the city and my jobs.

Everyone made some motion of agreement "Lead the way...pawn.." Dabi mustered behind me pushing on my lower back, I dashed forward into a jog my side killing me "five mile run at the crack of dawn...Great." I mumbled and picked up pace a bit everyone following including Toga who looked bored the speed I was giving off.

>Time skip< 

When we arrived at the shack I was out of breath and my side felt like a porcupine had attached itself to me, "here we are..." I mustered looking surprised at the in tact medal roof and the over grown garden outside, I stepped in the door immediately being greeted my cinnamon smelling plant I had left in the 'living room'. Everyone else followed in behind me and there jaw dropped "not to shabby!" Twice said littering off another few Other biased opinions with his strange speech. Toga went to the kitchen to stock some food, shigaraki flopped on the couch and Dabi lit the fire place with his quirk "Did you stay here...alone?" Spinner said gesturing to the closet with my fathers coat and mothers hat in it. "Yes...those are, treasures that I kept foolishly" I said laced with anger and regret "feel free to do whatever with them" I said briefly before slipping outsidefor some fresh air, I walked through my garden and sat down. 

It began to unlock some core memories and pain I had buried long ago, I used to sit here and ponder my treachery. I bad betrayed everyone who ever showed the other 'me' love, was running really worth it? Maybe if things were different... Maybe if I hadn't allowed myself to fall for izuku this would have never happened. I would still be in UA with friends and my un-biological family, but....it was to late now. I had made my decision and it was time to except that cruel truth.

Just then I was snapped out of my thoughts by a strong hand to my shoulder "stop looking so pathetic would you?" Dabi snarked before sitting beside me. I rolled my eyes and focused on the scenery the silence was thick and heavy until his raspy voice cut through it "I lost my mother and my father to you know." He stated starring into space before his eyes narrowed in thought "They may not be dead like yours and I may never know that pain. But sometimes... I wish they were, maybe it would have been better. Shoto would have never gotten traumatized and me..well I wouldn't be so fucked up." He chuckled at his own cruel joke "The fact is my mother was only my mother until the second she gave birth to me and my father was only my father until he realized I'm a failure." He scowled, my eyes half way shut as I looked at him in a melancholy way. 

I sat up on my knees and leaned on his shoulder trying to make him feel even just the bit warm on the inside instead of the burning hatred he had for his family and his past. After all I myself knew the feeling, and in those moments I needed comfort.

"The past is the past Dabi...and right now just focus on the future...for me and for you." I hummed in his ear softly. Tracing small circles on his scared hand.

>>sorry its been a while everyone!<<

(p.s the story line is all over the place but...just assume that the fight between the paranormal liberation and UA was way later in the story line sooo that saying, class 1-A are seniors now which means there 18 and up...heheh...sorry yall!)


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