Moving In

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Sofia was already DONE with her day. After enduring what felt like an eternity on a cramped plane, she had finally landed in Connecticut, her arms aching from lugging around three genormous suitcases packed to the brim with what felt like half her house. Somehow, she had managed to drag herself onto campus only to be faced with the broken lift sign, taunting her as she stood on the ground floor, supposed to move to the 3rd floor.

A chirpy voice echoed down the corridor, "Hey! Need help?"

Sofia turned to meet a brunette way taller than her, slightly disheveled and out of breath. She must have already done quite a few flights of stairs.

"You're a lifesaver, seriously. Thank you so much," Sofia breathed out in relief.

"No worries. Where are you headed?" The brunette asked.

"3rd floor... I'm sorry; those suitcases are even heavier than they look."

"You're all good," the girl reassured her, effortlessly hoisting one of the suitcases as if it weighed nothing. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Sorry, I left my manners in the plane. I'm Sofia, but you can call me Sof."

"Oh my god! I think we're rooming together; your name is on my door!"

"That's awesome" Sofia replied, feeling a bit sidetracked. Yeah, she definitely needed to work out if her heart was already pounding so hard. Thankfully for her ego, the brunette did not seem to notice.

"I didn't catch your name, future roomie?" Sofia asked.

"I'm Angela"

The girls finally reached the third floor, and Sofia noticed the small note left on the door 3B "Angela G. Sofia P."

Angela dramatically opened the door. "Welcome home! Sorry, I just moved in yesterday, and I haven't tied up everything yet."

Sofia immediately noticed the halters, weights, and yoga mat in the corner of the luminous living room.

"You're a student athlete?" Sof asked, gesturing toward the workout equipment.

"Yep, I'm sorry if it takes up a lot of space, I could try to fit it in my room, but I hoped you wouldn't mind too much-"

"It's all good," Sof assured her. "I'm a student in Kinesiology, so I get it, don't worry."

Angela broke into a wide smile. "That's great! I'm a swimmer and I'm majoring in Education. I have practise super early so I'll try not to wake you up"

Sof shrugged "I'm a heavy sleeper you should be fine don't worry."

"By the way you mentioned a plane...where do you come from ?"

"I'm from Spain"

"Ohh your English accent is great I could not have guessed!"

"Haha thanks, I do hope it will go totally unnoticed by the end of the undergrad"

"Which year are you in ?"

"Oh I just transferred from my old uni as part of a dual degree, so I'm a junior!"

"That's so cool"

Sof and Angela fell into a natural conversation, both still unpacking and decorating the apartment. Angela had brought some plants already, and the girls then focused on getting some furniture for their kitchen. All in all, that first day had been a success. Sofia figured she'd get along well with Angela, although it sounded like her schedule did not allow for a lot of bonding time. She still seemed super easy to live with, and they had already decided on Wednesday night being series night, both of them rewatching Criminal Minds.

As she packed her bag for the next day and wished her roommate goodnight, Sofia felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She would be fine.


Bear with me, I have to put some context, some introduction before we focus on the main plot. +++ paige is my new obsession so I gotta write a fic about it to move on, my tt fyp can't stay this way i'm pretty sure it's not healthy.

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