(Wrong) First Impressions

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"Sofffff, come on! You're a little genius; of course, you'll pass the exam!" Angela's voice echoed from the bathroom where she was busy curling her hair.

"What if I don't though?" Sof yelled back from the depths of her wardrobe, desperate to find the perfect outfit for their first night out.

"It gives you an extra reason to get drunkkk." Angela's logic was flawless, and Sofia desperately needed a drink. She had pulled almost three all-nighters during the week to review every piece of class material she had studied last year. After passing the examp, she felt in her answers, yet she had no clue if it would be enough to secure the position. When she had told Angela about the Dean's offer, the entire floor had heard her roomate scream. Since then, Angela had been adamant about going out on Friday to celebrate Sofia's early position as a PT assistant. Sofia was just scared shitless she would jinx it, as she had not received any formal confirmation yet.

"Get your ass over here, your hair is already perfect! I need help with the outfit!" Angela scurried back into their room where 15 tops laid on the ground.

"What are people even going to wear?"

"Girl, it's the first and last party before we get killed by our coach. People don't care about outfits, they care about getting hammered" Angela stated matter-of-factly. She had invited Sofia to the athlete pre-season party, as some sports teams were about to start their training season, where partying was not really permitted, nor recommended by team coaches.

"Fair enough, but I still want to look cute" Sofia insisted.

"Are you trying to impress someone already? Found some cute boy in the classes you're about to drop?" Angela teased.

"Listen, cute boy, girl, in my class or not, I can't take the risk of fumbling an opportunity" Sofia retorted.

"So, by default, you go all out?"

"Precisely!" Sofia screamed in joy as she found the tank top she had been looking for.

"Girl, you're going to outshine everyone at this party. Why am I even bringing you?" Angela chuckled.

"Because you're on a mission to make me experience the American way of life on campus!" 

Angela shook her head and handed her a can of beer. "Just shut up and drink this; we're leaving in 10."

Sofia slipped into her sheer top and leather skirt, adding some boots and rushing to put on some makeup.

Angela groaned. "What do you guys eat growing up in Spain? I would sell a kidney for your figure, girl."

"Hey! Don't put it all on genetics; I used to work out a lot" Sofia laughed at Angela's raised brow.

"Okay, maybe not since I've arrived, and not compared to you, but I'll get back to it, you'll see," Sofia promised.

Angela just laughed. "Whatever you say, girl. Come on now, the house is packed already from what Jade is telling me."

And with that, they made their way to the party hosted by the hockey team. 

Sofia winced as she made her way through the sweaty bodies, the heat pressing down on her. She wasn't drunk enough to be enjoying herself in this sweltering atmosphere. Angela quickly found her teammates, and Sofia found herself engulfed in hugs and smiles.

"We've heard so much about you!" one of Angela's friends exclaimed.

"Angela has been dying for us to meet you. I'm Jade," another girl introduced herself, handing Sofia a drink that she chugged under the cheers of the girls, joined by some random people in what turned into a chugging contest.

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