Under Scrutiny

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"It seems like Paige is having a heated argument with someone from her staff, possibly a new recruit. According to our files, Ms. Padilla is filling in for Coach Lynn, who is currently on leave.

We'll try to use our mic to catch what they're discussing so fervently on the court.

And it looks like we have sound now!"

"You're not going back on the court for the rest of the game."


"I'm sorry Paige but it's the final decision"

"How dare you? Geno?! Aren't you going to say anything? I need to get back out there, the girls-"

"The girls are responsible for themselves."

"I cant believe it !"

"Paige calm down. Doctors order are finals you know it"

"She's not even a real doctor !"

"From what you just heard, it seems tensions are high for the Huskies as USC closes the gap even more. With one quarter left to play, anything can still happen.

I do wonder what the doctor's comment was about though...

True, should the Huskies be worried about improper practices or perhaps some nepotism?

This only adds to Coach Auriemma's struggles this year!"

Sofia stopped the replay on her iPad, knowing the outcome of the game already. The commentators' remarks made her feel sick, and now she understood where the investigation came from. She opened another video where she was tagged - Paige's press conference.

"Hello, Paige. Congratulations on the win today, although it was a tough game. We noticed you were not happy with a member of your staff. How much did that affect the final result?"

"Yes, obviously I was very upset with their decision while our team was struggling on the court. We all have our roles to play and yes, we made mistakes, but at some point I felt like I could have stayed in the game longer which is why it's frustrating for me."

Sofia fought back tears once again. She couldn't believe that Paige would say something like that to the media. Another round of messages flooded her phone.

"Should get kicked out for what u did"

"You sabotaged Paige hopefully she gets you out of the staff"

She just stared at her screen, unable to stop the loneliness that was sweeping over her. It was in this state that Angela found her later in the evening.

"Sof, are you okay? How was the game?" Angela asked gently.

And just like that, Sofia couldn't hold it in any longer. She broke down in tears and told Angela everything.

"She hates me. I benched her and then she almost got injured and yelled at me in front of the press. Now there's an investigation into whether I have the right to be part of the staff. Everything is awful, Sofia cried as she buried her face in Angela's arms.

"What? Wait, Paige yelled at you? And now there's an investigation?" Angela was horrified.

But what hurt Sofia even more was that no one on the team had come to support or reassure her. Everyone seemed to be siding with Paige. Sofia knew it was important for the team to stick together, but it still stung to feel so isolated.

"I knew there was a high chance she would get injured if I let her play-"

"Sof, cut it. I've had coaches who have forbidden me to compete for similar reasons. Yes, I was angry at the time, but I got over it. Paige will too, don't worry. However, I never took out my frustration on my own staff, especially not in public."

Sofia just bit her lips trying to prevent more tears from cascading.

"It's not fair. Not after everything I've given to this team. And now, because I covered for Lynn this week, I might fail my midterms." Sofia's voice trembled as tears threatened to fall once again.

"I'm so sorry. You deserve better than this." Angela hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her.

Sofia made a move to reach her piles of notes on her bedside.

"You can't be serious right now." Angela deadpanned. "You're in no shape to study. Go take a shower. I'll cook us dinner. Let's try to have you rested a bit more and tomorrow you can study." Angela suggested instead.

"You're an angel"

"Duh it's kind of my name you know?" Angela managed to draw a raspy laugh out of her.

As they watch a TV series together, exhaustion finally took over. Three hours later, Sofia woke up in her bed. Grateful for Angela's thoughtfulness, she still couldn't find sleep. Paige's angry voice replaying in her mind. The fact that she didn't reach out to apologize. Or just to talk. No message in the group chat she was in.


The night didn't really bring her any rest, and she knew had to study and push her feelings aside for a moment. But as she opened her notes, everything seemed jumbled and confusing. Her vision was blurry with sleepiness and exhaustion. Over the course of three hours, she managed to learn only 2 theories out of the 25 that were on the exam. Sofia let out a sigh and closed her notes, deciding to take a break before she burnt herself out completely.

"Hey feeling better?" Angela asked as she saw her emerge from her room.

"Not really. Thank you for yesterday though"

"Of course. I also thought about it. It's crazy how the head coach let you take the downfall. Like couldn't he have said your decision was approuved by the staff? Like he directed Paige's angriness at you without a second thought. But he's not dumb"

"I think it may have been his goal. It's easier to have a key player mad at some newbie on the staff rather than him when they have a final four game to play in a few days."

"True but either way you deserve a proper apology"

Angela reassurance was cut short by a mail notification.

From administration@ncaa.org

Subject : Investigation of allegations of malpractice

Cc: geno.auriemma@uconn.com; deanoffice@uconn.com

Sofias stomach dropped and she immediately ran to the bathroom, throwing up whatever breakfast she had managed to eat that morning. Angela, who had been reading over her shoulder, shook her head in disbelief.

"What the actual fuck? Tuesday ? Can't they tell you have other things to worry about right now?"

"I guess they must be considering banning me from the next game. Or maybe revoke my scolarship ? The Dean is in copy. Why else would the Dean need to be involved ?".

A wave of nausea washed over Sofia again, but nothing came up except bitter bile. Angela rushed to hold her hair back as she retched, her heart pounding with worry.

"No no no Sofia come on. Think positive. Geno will have your back. Worst case the administration get a scolding for letting you practice but you can't be faulted for that."

Sofia wiped her mouth and took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I can't believe this is happening. I'm really praying you're right Angela. About everything."

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