Day Out

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Okay maybe Sofia was a bit  more stressed out than she let out to be. This was an actual date. Not like a oops I kissed you in the moment kind of thing. More like a she is a star student and athlete and somehow she makes time for me because she wants to spend it together kind of thing. Totally chill.

Thankfully, the weather was still nice enough for her to be wearing some cute top with jeans. She had learned her lesson this time. Do not overdress. Her phone pinged with a notification.

I am downstairs pretty girl

coming right now

Too late to back out now, Sofia thought as she braced herself on her way downstairs.

When she reached her front door, she was surprised to see Paige standing rather awkwardly. It was somehow reassuring to know that she wasn't the only one who was a bit stressed.

As soon as she saw the brunette, Paige bit the inside of her cheek. The girl was simply adorable.

"You cleaned up nice," Sofia complimented her.

"I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the fashion queen."

"Give yourself some credit." Sofia rolled her eyes before she started to walk next to the taller girl.

"Alright, so where are we going and what's the plan to trick your team?"

"That's a surprise for later today."

"Do you actually have something planned?" Sofia teased.

Paige pretended to be offended.

"You wound me beauty queen.  I always have something planned" Paige pointed to her car as they arrived. She opened the door for Sophia with an exaggerated bow.

"After you."

Sophia chuckled.

"You don't have to."

"What do you mean? I have standards"

"Watch out because I'm about to have high expectations," Sofia shot back.

Paige just winked.

"Don't lie, I already exceed them all," and started to drive, mindlessly tapping the wheel.

"Hummm you have a high idea of yourself for someone who doesn't  know anything about my past experiences."

"Delulu is the solulu, always" Paige repeated, but got serious for a second. " I hope I don't have any competition with people from your hometown." She asked, somehow scared for the answer.

"You never know." Sofia teased again. But seeing that Paige's seriousness did not fade, she reassured her. "Don't worry, you're good, I might even have the stories of the worst dates that exist".

"Please do tell" Paige's smile was back up. And the girls spent some time recalling their worst dates, as Paige drove them into the city centre.

"First of all, I thought that since you had just arrived, you might not have had a chance to see much of the city. And although I'm sure it doesn't compare to Spain, I thought I'd give you a little tour," Paige said proudly, leading the way.

Sophia just beamed and grabbed her hand before reminding herself that this could be a little tricky.

"Is this okay?" she asked.

Paige just nodded and squeezed her hand tighter.

"Alright, so the first important thing you need to know is this coffee place has the best coffee ever" Paige pulled Sophia into the first small coffee shop.

"Two iced lattes with oat milk and a matcha cookie please," she ordered and paid for them both.

"You know my order?"

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