Locker Talk

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Paige wiped the beads of sweat from her brow as the final whistle blew, signaling the end of their first training session. With a satisfied sigh, she made her way off the court and towards the changing room, noticing that Sofia had already left the sidelines. Not that she was paying attention.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't our star player," Nika teased, her tone laced with sarcasm as she sauntered over to Paige. "Putting on a show for the newbie, huh?"

Paige rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress the smirk that tugged at her lips. "Please, I'm just naturally gifted, get over it already Muhl" she quipped, tossing her towel over her shoulder.

Nika raised an eyebrow, her grin widening as she leaned against the adjacent locker. "Oh, come on bro. We all saw the way you were showing off out there"

"My second name is show-off don't you know that by now ?

Nika chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Sure, sure, you just happened to flex your big girl muscles after every single shot you took."

Paige remained silent, not giving into Nika's teasing.

"Fine, play dumb all you want. Just remember, I have eyes everywhere" Nika said winking at Paige before turning her attention to her own locker.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing Mrs Rizz. Just that I noticed you and Sofia chatting it up at the party the other night"

"So you saw me handing her a glass of water...and you're thinking I have a crush on her ? Good job Sherlock Holmes" Paige replied sarcastically

"So you're telling me she's not your type ? Please you were STARING at her every time Geno gave you a break" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You're so dramatic, fine I'll admit she's pretty yeah" Paige admitted with a shrug, "but that's obvious to anyone with eyes."

"There we go, Paige Rizzler" Nika laughed, deftly dodging as Paige mock-punched her at the use of the nickname.

"Who is Paige rizzing this time?" Aaliyah jumped in, fresh out of the shower.

"Well, more like trying to rizz" Nika answered before Paige could interject. "Just Sofff-humpfff."

Before Nika could finish her sentence, Paige had leaped onto her back, cutting her off with a playful tackle.

"Ohhh romance between the doc and the captain" Azzi observed with a grin. "That has potential."

Paige felt a rare blush creeping up her cheeks as she struggled to untangle herself from Nika's grip. "Shut up! I haven't said a thing! And it's her first day, for God's sake, don't start making her uncomfortable."

"Oh, how sweet. Our Paige is worried about her alreadyyyy" Azzi teased, while Nika doubled over in laughter.

"Azzi, I swear to God, I will END you". Azzi was not impressed by the threat and simply fist-bumped Nika.

"By the way, Paige, you know I never actually said a word about you having a crush," Nika quipped before darting out of the room, Paige hot on her trail.

"Paige, Nika, stop being fucking kids for a second," KK yelled from the locker room. "Everyone come here, we gotta plan the weekly team dinner."

"I can host this week" Azzi volunteered.

"Awesome, should we plan food in the WhatsApp group?" Nika asked.

"Sure, by the way, I thought we should get a group with Sofia" KK suggested. "After all, we'll need to talk to her to book one-on-one sessions."

"Sounds good" Paige jumped in.

"Awesome, I have her number if you want to create the group?" KK asked.

Paige hesitated for a moment. How the fuck did KK already have her number. She nodded. "I'll do it right now."

She sent the invite to the Spanish number:

Broken Limbs + Dr. Sof

Paige: Hey Sof, we figured it'd be easier for you to communicate in a gc

Sofia: Thx, I was just about to send you my schedule

Attached : Kine sessions with Sof.xcl

"Girls, run to get a spot before Paige books half of them" KK said out loud to the remaining girls in the locker.

"Why is everyone ganging up on me?" Paige whined.

"Because we ship ittt," Nika sang. Paige just sighed, but hiding from Nika's side-eye, she also texted the brunette privately.

Paige: Hey, Sof, it's Paige! Just letting you know I'll be swinging by your office tomorrow to start working on my knee if that's good with you.

Her phone immediately pinged.

Sofia: Hey, Paige, sounds great, I'll see you at 5 p.m.

And another.

Sofia: Hope you didn't injure yourself already at practice.

Paige smiled back at the screen.

Paige: Nope, just found an alibi to see uu"

The girl instantly liked the message back.

Sofia: I'll take it over injuries any day

Paige quickly put her phone back in her bag, wiping her smile off her face.


Softspot: graduated junior year in 2 weeks or something

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Softspot: graduated junior year in 2 weeks or something

Paigebueckers started following you

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angela.gmbdl commented: + got a job or smtg, my rommie >>>

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This one is for all the girlies wondering what the actual fuck will Sofia do hehe. And as I said, I'm a sucker for realistic content and slow burnnnnnn so you gotta be patient with me.

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