Silent Struggles

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Two days had passed and Paige still hadn't mustered the courage to reach out to Sofia. She was upset about being benched, but she knew that putting her ego aside and repairing her relationship with the brunette should be a priority. After all, Sofia's call may have prevented her from sustaining another injury, and for that, Paige should be grateful.

But the final four game loomed over her head, and as she looked around her teamates training, she pushed the thought back. First the game, then the rest. That's what she always had in mind. That's what she had told sofia, and what sofia had signed up for. She would understand. She had to.

It wasn't until Azzi approached her at practice with a concerned expression that Paige's thoughts shifted.

"Hey, Paige, I just saw Sofia in a private session" Azzi said tentatively. "She doesn't look well. She seems tired and worn out."

Paige's heart dropped at the news, she couldn't ignore the worry that crept into her mind. "I'll talk to her after the final four game" she replied firmly. "Right now, I need to focus on winning."

"Paige, what's really going on?" Azzi pressed.

"Nothing," Paige insisted.

"Is this about the last game?" Azzi grabbed the ball from Paige's hands, silently demanding a real conversation.

"Yes, but it's not a big deal. I got mad, she got upset, we'll get over it. The game comes first," Paige sighed.

"Have you talked to her?"

"No, I don't have time for this," Paige shrugged.

"Paige, it's obvious that this is weighing on you. I'm not saying you'll miss all your shots because of the fight, but wouldn't you feel better if you addressed what is going on in your relationship?" Azzi pushed.

"We're not dating," Paige stated bluntly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Azzi was taken aback.

"I told her from the start that basketball would always come first and whatever we had wouldn't be a relationship material because of it.That's it," Paige explained.

"Paige, you act like a lovesick puppy every time you're around her. Everyone can see how comfortable you are together," Azzi pointed out.

"Yeah, but this can wait until after March Madness" Paige dismissed the issue. Azzi wasn't buying into the excuses.

"You can still be a great captain and have personal matters to deal with. Just talk to her and see what happens. You have nothing to lose."

Paige knew Azzi wouldn't let it go. "Fine, I'll catch up with her after practice."

Ignoring the knot of worry that lingered in her chest, Paige threw herself back into training, pushing herself harder than ever in preparation for the upcoming match.


Sofia was sleep deprived, exhausted, and could barely remember the last time she ate a decent meal. But somehow, she managed to complete her entire to-do list for the day. Only the interview remained, looming over her like a dark cloud.

The mere thought sent waves of anxiety coursing through her veins, making her dizzy and lightheaded. Azzi had tried to boost her spirits during their training session, reminding her that the team still believed in her. But it only made Sofia feel more guilty and responsible for what had happened.

As she gathered her things to leave the office, a wave of dizziness hit her. She could tell the symptoms right away and laid down raising her legs up against the wall.

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