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Sofia was finishing putting up her golden earings when she heard knocks on the door.

"Angelaaaaa can you open?? It must be Azzi and Paige"!" she yelled to her roomate from the bathroom. Hopefully that wouldn't be awkward.

She was a bit late as usual, but couldn't drop what she was doing or it would take her even longer to finish her look. The dress was surprinsingly comfortable and she had opted for cream mules to keep the outfit chill. She sprayed some perfume on, not convinced by her make up but knowing she wouldn't do any better even with ten other hours, and stepped out of the room.

She could hear Angela talking to the girls, bless her and her socializing skills, and Sofia had to pause when she saw Paige from the end of the corridor. She was wearing a full white look, and god was she looking good in that suit, and who was her makeup artist because she was going to have a word with her. She looked absolutely gorgeous, standing next to Azzi who was looking just as great in a pink two pieces. 

She finally stepped in the living room.

"Hey girls"

Paige's head whipped around so fast Sofia worried for a second she'd sprain her neck. Azzi jokingly patted the blonde on the back and Sofia couldn't help but let out a snort.

"I know I know I look good, it's not like you didn't already know the dress"

She stepped in front of Paige and adjusted her chain necklace, causing the blonde to freeze in place. "Although, I must say, Louis Vuitton did a tremendous job. You look stunning," Sofia complimented before turning to Azzi. "And must this entire team look like models, please?". 

"Thanks doc" Azzi replied with a wink. "Although I'm still waiting for my Louis Vuitton contract."

"Ugh, please," Sofia swatted at her friend jokingly. "Give it a year or two and when you're picked first overall, they'll be fighting over you as well."

"Not if I get picked first" Paige shot back teasingly.

"Alright girls you better get down I think I see the taxi downstairs waiting for you" Angela said looking out the window.


Sandwiched between the girls in the cab, Sofia was going through an existential crisis. She was on her way to the WNBA draft. Like hello ? As Paige Bueckers +1. As if it were the most natural thing in the world.

The girls were undisturbed, scrolling on instagram, and Sofia felt stupid for feeling so nervous. But as they neared their destination, her nerves only grew stronger. She bit her lip as she caught sight of the sea of journalists eagerly waiting for the black cars to arrive.

"Boy, Caitlin really brought the light on this season, hasn't she?"

"Last year, I think there were half as many journalists" Azzi murmured, glancing briefly out the window.

"Fevers' marketing team better not waste this opportunity, they've really hit the jackpot," Paige commented.

"Ok so what's the plan for us?"

"We show up, go into the audience, find Aubrey, answer a few reporters, and wait for Nika and AAliyah to get drafted." Azzi replied.

"Then a few more boring interviews, but the afterparty is worth it" Paige added.

And where was she fitting in this?

"But we'll go to our seats first and join you once the PR is done" Paige reassured her.

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