Crumbling Down

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It was inevitable that things would turn sour eventually. The moment she was summoned to Geno's office, she could sense trouble brewing.

"Listen up, everyone. I hate to do this at such a critical time, but Lynn has to go home for an extended period. She'll still be following all the games remotely, but she won't be able to physically join us for at least two weeks."

Sofia's eyes widened in shock. "So not until after the semifinals?"

"Correct. Sofia, as Lynn's assistant, you will have to step up and take over her duties, at least in terms of practical tasks. No last-minute replacement will have the same level of knowledge on our players as you do after working with them for months. It's in everyone's best interest. Lynn will still manage some aspects remotely, but for the games, you are the point person. Of course, Janelle and other members of the team will also assist."

Sofia was stunned. She had gained some confidence after months of working with the team and assisting Lynn, but replacing a physical therapist for NCAA games? She wasn't sure if she was ready for it.

She nodded absentmindedly, knowing that this would make everything much more complicated.

As Geno went to inform the team of the news, Sofia took a shaky breath.

"Are you okay?" Paige asked, finding her minutes later while Sofia tried to calm herself and prevent a panic attack.

"Yeah, just fine," Sofia replied unconvincingly.

"Congratulations on your new position! The head PT!"

"Haha, only for two weeks though" Sofia laughed weakly, feeling like crying instead.

"Don't stress out about it; I know you'll make sure we're in top shape for the game against South Carolina."

"Yep," Sofia was not worried about the prepation, she was worried about the game.

And she was proven right days after.


Sofia's stomach churned with a mixture of nerves and anticipation as she observed the intense back-and-forth on the court. The Elite 8 game against South Carolina was proving to be far tougher than anticipated. Despite leading in the first quarter, the team was now struggling as errors began to pile up.

From her spot on the bench, Sofia joined in with the chorus of voices, shouting words of encouragement and trying to rally her teammates. However, mounting injuries made it difficult to maintain possession, and exhaustion was written on the players' weary faces.

Then, the worst-case scenario unfolded before Sofia's eyes. She watched in horror as Paige landed awkwardly on her knee, collapsing to the floor. The staff rushed to her aid, and with Nika and Geno's assistance, Paige was helped off the field.

Immediately, Sofia sprang into action, going through the motions as if on autopilot. She carefully examined Paige's knee, checking for signs of soreness or heat and noting any strain in her ligaments. It was clear to Sofia that Paige couldn't continue playing. She looked back at Paige's frightened blue eyes and felt the weight of responsibility fall heavily upon her shoulders. "Paige, you're out for at least this quarter," she announced.

Paige slumped down on the bench for the remaining three minutes of the game.

Summoning all her composure, Sofia stepped aside and dialed Coach Lynn's number, who answered right away.

"I saw it on TV. How serious is it?" Coach Lynn's tone was calm yet concerned.

"Inflamed joints. Her back ligaments are very tight"

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