Smooth Sailing

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"LET'S GO, BABYYYYYYY!" Sofia's voice boomed from the bench as Paige sunk another flawless three-pointer, widening UConn's lead over their opponent. The game was a prime example of their peak performance, with everyone contributing and the team staying relatively in shape considering the few turnovers they could afford.

Ines and Ice were at her side encouraging the girls until the very last second, when the buzzer rang the end of the game. 67-46.

After exchanging handshakes with Villanova, the team gathered in the locker room, Coach Geno addressing them with a mixture of pride and emotion. 

"Alright, girls, first and foremost, congratulations. I am immensely proud of the performance you showcased today. It was a masterclass in every aspect of our game. You played with intelligence, unity, and consistency. This marks our fifth consecutive win, and from here on, every game is an opportunity to refine our skills for the NCAA. Keep pushing yourselves like you do in training, keep working hard, and success will follow, just as it did today. I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you."

A chorus of heartfelt "thank you's" reverberated, followed by a group hug.

"Aw, is Grampy getting sentimental?" Nika's playful comment broke the emotional tension, eliciting a chuckle from Coach Geno as he affectionately tousled her hair.

"I do am a bit emotional. It's been a tough season with injuries, and I'm immensely proud of how you've all believed in yourselves and carried yourselves outside the court. I want you to hold onto that for your entire careers, no matter the score." Geno then turned to the staff—Andrea, Janelle, Ellen, and Sofia.

"I believe our staff deserves a round of applause for navigating through the injuries with utmost skill. We're fortunate to have such a dedicated team." Another round of applause and cheers filled the locker room, Paige's grin lighting up the space.

Sofia's heart swelled with gratitude as she nodded.

"Thank you, Geno. I'm so proud of everyone. I know, there's still work to be done, but this journey has been nothing short of amazing. Watching you grow and succeed is a privilege. Really. "

"Alright doc stop here or you're gonna make us cry too" KK joked.

"Yeah, let's go get those autographs signed!"

"And then dinner!"

"Taco Bell?"


"I'll let you ladies enjoy, just remember to run, not roll, on the court during tomorrow's practice," Geno concluded before dismissing them.

Paige immediately pulled Sofia into a tight hug.

"You were incredible out there," Sofia murmured into her shoulder.

"I felt amazing. Thank you."

"Alright, lovebirds, as much as we ship it, hurry it up, Paige," KK urged, prompting laughter from the group.


Sofia found a nice rhythm between classes, assisting Coach Lynn, spending time with the girls off the court, and finding moments to spend just with Paige. She was so happy to be part of a team that worked so hard, and she felt her heart burst with each victory celebration. In just over two months, the girls had suffered only one loss, to Notre Dame. But with the NCAA championship looming, Sofia could feel the team starting to feel the pressure. Paige had been distracted lately, and not very talkative during their last post-game session. She had apologized to her teammates on the court for snapping at them, and Sofia could tell that Paige was trying very hard not to snap at her a few times as well. That day, Geno had given the girls a pretty hard practice, considering they had won a game 2 days ago. Sofia hadn't been able to catch Paige on her way out. Ending her day, she texted the blonde

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