Team dinner

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"I fumbled so bad".

"I know"

"My rizz disappeared"

"I know"

"Why did I say, 'hey let's head back now'?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out".

Nika wasn't being the most supportive friend. As she listened to Paige recount the disastrous not date with Sofia after yesterday's practice, she struggled to understand her friend's behavior. Or rather, the lack thereof.

Paige was positive she had blown all of her chances with Sofia, and desperately wished for another one. But at the same time, she was panicked about the implication of potentially making a move on her. Their game season was approaching. She couldn't get distracted, especially by a member of their staff whom she would see all season long. Still, she couldn't stop kicking herself for how lamely their "session" ended.

"Come on, you'll be able to redeem yourself at team dinner tonight".

Azzi was hosting the dinner, in a dorm 2 doors from Nika and Paige's. The girls were the first two to arrived, joined soon after by Aaliyah, Aubrey and Ines.

"Team dinner, let's go!"

Azzi exclaimed as everyone pitched in to set the table and rearrange furniture to accommodate the whole group. With the season fast approaching, drinking was not allowed, but that didn't stop the girls from blasting music and having a good time. KK immediately started recording TikTok videos with Paige.

"I wonder why Sof is late," Nika pondered as 15 minutes passed from their scheduled 6pm meeting.

"Is her dorm far?" Aubrey asked.

"No idea. Do you think she's okay?" Paige's mind began racing with possibilities.

"Girls, she's fine. She's like me during the first week. In Europe, you don't arrive on time. At least not in Portugal or Spain," Ines reminded them.

"Sometimes I forget that you're all international students" KK chuckled.

"Well, she better hurry up because I'm dying to try her guacamole" Ice chimed in.

"Just not too fast, we need to give Paige some time to gather what's left of her game from yesterday" Nika added, earning a collective "aouchhhh" followed by a fist bump from KK and snickers from Azzi. Although the group was a chaotic mess, everyone was quiet to hear Paige's defence.

"Why is everyone so aware of my... mishaps from yesterday?" Paige complained.

"Because dear, we just love seeing someone giving you a hard time" Azzi teased.

"Like come on, Paige struggling with the girls? Unheard of" Aaliyah joked.

"But she didn't even give me a hard time!" Paige retorted, crossing her arms defensively.

"Precisely" Azzi burst out laughing, causing Paige to blush and concede defeat. The room fell into a hushed pause as the doorbell rang.

"Of course, at the most inconvenient moment" Paige grumbled under her breath as Nika moved to answer the door, presumably for Sofia. Yet, any further complaints died on her lips as Sofia stepped into the doorway, stunningly overdressed for the casual gathering, wearing a puff-sleeved black tank top paired with a matching skirt and a hint of makeup.

"Hey girls" Sofia greeted them with a smile.

Paige turned even redder, if possible, and Sofia's face fell when she saw the relaxed vibe of the group. Ines, unable to contain herself, burst out laughing.

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