Game Plan

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"Soooo can I assume you guys made up ?" Nika asked with a sly smirk as Paige closed their dorm's door behind them, finally dropping their bags, tired after a long day spent in the airport making their way back to Storrs.

"Huh ?"

Nika shook her head in disbelief.

"Girl you've had the stupidest smile on your face since this morning"

"Well, easy for you to say. You have the biggest resting bitch face."

"Oohh, and she's feisty again everyone. Must have been some great make-up sex"

Paige nearly choked on her own spit.

"SHUT UP Nika! It wasn't like that!"

"Sure it wasn't. Anyway spill the details" Nika prodded.

"Nope," Paige replied, crossing her arms defiantly.

"You're such an ungrateful little shit. After everything we've done for you," Nika huffed.

"What do you even want to know?" Paige sighed, giving in.

"I don't know how about starting from the beginning ?"

"We talked. A lot. I apologized. She forgave me but said she only wanted to be in a clear relationship or nothing," Paige explained.

"Don't tell me you messed it up already," Nika warned.

"I didn't! Obviously I didn't."Paige retorted defensively. "So yeah, she gave me another chance basically."

"That whole 'situationship' thing was bullshit from day one anyway. Everyone could tell you were whipped already" Nika teased, causing Paige to roll her eyes playfully.

"Whatever. I'm lucky Sof has the patience of a saint," Paige admitted with a small smile.

"So you're going to be all mature and shit now?" Nika asked with a smirk.

Paige laughed.

"I'll try my very best. Plus I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get a third chance"

"Okay okay, so you have a game plan?" Nika asked seriously, grabbing her phone as if preparing for a strategy session.

"Who do you take me for? Obviously"

"Alright, what are we working with?"

"We ?"

"Girl the entire team is invested in this relationship. Of course we"

"Well, maybe we should have shown more investment in her," Paige muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Nika asked sternly, sensing something important had been said.

"She felt really isolated and like everyone was taking my side. Which, honestly, was pretty true. I felt super bad about it and apologized a lot, but I feel like we all kind of let her down and no one ever apologized to her for that,"

There was a pause before Nika spoke again.

"You're right. Aubrey and I talked about it a bit, but we thought things were fine again after seeing how the last dinner went."

"Yeah, I'm sure it's not that big of a deal for her, but you know, maybe we should do something as a team," Paige suggested.

"You have an idea ?" Nika asked eagerly.

"I don't know yet. I don't wanna rush things, maybe it's still too fresh. But maybe we can organize something for her in the future ?"

"That'd be great. I'm sure everyone would be down. It's pretty easy to see how we all kind of let her down on this one. Just let us know when the timing is right". Nika agreed sincerely.

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