Massage Therapy

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Paige showed up to Sofia's office right on time. She was there 10mn early just in case but did not show up before causethat would be lame

As she knocked on the door, Sofia opened with a big smile

"My first patient of the day! Of the year! Or ever"

"Should I be scared Dr ?" Paige chuckled

"Don't worry you'll be fine. Probably" Sofia laughed

"Actually, I've been looking at your medical file and planning some exercises we could do. I was hoping you could tell me if there were any that you had already tried that didn't work at the end of last season?" Sofia explained, her tone professional but friendly.

"Sure, show me what you have."

Sofia began to demonstrate the series of exercises she had come up with, with Paige only correcting her on one that didn't really do much for her.

"I don't know about the rest, but it looks good" Paige said as she stood up and warmed up before doing the first series.

Sofia watched Paige closely, offering guidance and corrections as needed. "Okay, maybe drop lower. Wait, actually you have to touch my hand," Sofia instructed, crouching down to help Paige with her pistol squat.

"Damn, you're really invested."

"Well, I have to, you know, I'm the kinesiologist for the school's athletic prodigy or something."

Paige blushed at the praise. "Can't be great if you don't have amazing teammates and staff," she said, trying to deflect the attention away from herself.

"OK, so not good at taking compliments, noted," Sofia teased.

Paige bit back a smile, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. Sofia moved on to another exercise and Paige really tried to look respectfully. Which was hard because, well, thighs. Thighs for days and Paige tried to concentrate on her face, which wasn't much better because the girl was just so pretty, with long hair that she wanted to run her fingers through, and deep brown eyes, and the freckles, oh my God she hadn't noticed them before, how had she not...

She had to stop herself. She wasn't 16 and discovering how pretty girls looked. She was a star student athlete who needed a professional relationship with her staff. It was far too early to be checking out her new kinesiologist.

At least, that had been her initial plan.

"Come on, give me 20 more of these and we'll have time for a quick massage."

All the remaining neurons that had been working that day left Paige's brain immediately.

"Are you okay?" Sofia inquired, noticing Paige's sudden pause in the middle of her lunge. "I'm sorry, you really should tell me if I'm pushing you too hard. After all, you just started the season and you must be sore from yesterday, and oh my God, I should have planned this better. I'm so, so sorry..."

"Sof, you're fine" Paige interrupted, surprised at how stressed Sofia suddenly sounded.

"Don't stress so much, you're doing great. I was just surprised because the last time Lynn had time to give us a massage was probably in my first year" she explained, placing a reassuring hand on Sofia's shoulder. Good save, Paige.

Sofia let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry I freaked out," she said, embarrassed to show how stressed she was about the job. 

"Don't worry about it. If I didn't know you were a junior, I'd think you had years of experience" Paige reassured her with a warm smile.

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