Truth or Dare

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Paige had managed to keep a straight face on the way back to her dorm. Even Nika hadn't been able to figure out if anything had happened between her roommate and Sofia.

Paige wasn't sure how public Sofia wanted the information to be, so she decided to feign ignorance until they could have a moment to talk about it. That didn't mean she didn't want to brag about how she'd finally made a move on the girl.

"Paigeeeee, come on, the people want to know," Nika pleaded for the umpteenth time between shots at practice.

"Shut up and work on your 3s Muhl".

"Okay, rude. And you couldn't score shit if I was guarding you" Nika retorted, knowing instantly she had struck a nerve.

"Come on, I'm usually the delusional one" Paige shot back praying Nika would drop it.

"You're such a little shit," Nika grinned her mind already formulating a plan to coax the truth out of Paige.

"Everyone come on, let's play '3s'! Aubrey, come here, I need you!" Nika called out to the team, seizing the opportunity to turn their free throw time into a game of court-based truth or dare. Coach Geno had given them some end-of-practice free time to work on their shot, and she knew just how to make the most of it. "3s" was the team's court version of Truth or Dare. Everyone had 3 chances to get at least 2 3s. Girls who missed had to answer truth or dare, girls who got 2/3 could choose someone to answer. Obviously, Paige was never going to lose, but Nika had a few tricks up her sleeve to destabilise the blonde. 

"Ok Aubrey, you're first," Nika said sweetly as Paige tried to find the loophole in Nika's scheming voice.

And groans echoed across the court as Aubrey failed to score her three points.

"Girllllll," Nika lamented dramatically.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. My hip is acting up again".

"Maybe a miracle massage from Sof would help ?" Nika suggested smiling knowingly before turning innocently towards Paige "Okay Paige, you're next"

"I feel like this is a trap"

"It is, the game is too easy for you. You need to score 3/3"

Obviously Nika was relying on Paige's competitive nature, and it didn't fail, Paige didn't flinch.

"Please, you call that a challenge?" Paige shot back.
"She's so obnoxious," KK laughed with Aaliyah.

As Paige easily scored her first point, Nika launched plan B.

"Paigeeeee think about Sof!" she began to singsong.

"Yeppp how great her massages areeeee," Aubrey joined in. Ines was gagged but didn't miss a beat to join in the teasing, realising immediately where this was going.

"I bet she could teach you some dance moves."

"Shut up, that won't work on me," Paige muttered under her breath, her focus unwavering as she prepared for her next shot.

"She is really pretty. If you're so unbothered could I try to make a move ?" KK asked, ready to take off running for her life.

But Paige simply clenched her jaw and scored a furious second try. Nika groaned, but Azzi hadn't said her last word. As Paige took her third and last shot she shouted.

"Trueeee, she looked great in your sweatshirt yesterday"

"Did you let her keep it?" Nika finished.

Paige's bit her tongue. She wasn't going to fall for it. But as she took aim, the door behind the court opened to reveal a dishevelled Sofia in a familiar white jumper.

Paige's ball flew over the backboard. The girls all burst into screams.

"I hate you. All of you." Paige wailed as Sofia made her way towards them.

"You know the rule, Bueckers," Nika smirked.

"Fuck you. What do you want?" Fake ass friends.

"Truth or dare P?"

Paige knew she would be asked about her evening. She couldn't really spill the tea when she had no idea how it would make Sofia feel. She just hoped she wouldn't regret it.

"Dare" She answered, sighing.

"Ouuuhh you REALLY don't want us to know what happened last night, huh?" Azzi teased, her grin widening.

"Hurry up," Paige urged as Sofia drew closer.

"You have to take her out on a date. And send proof," Nika hushed as everyone just nodded in agreement, clapping her on the back and wishing her good luck, fist bumping each other.

"Hey Sof! How are you? Looking good in that sweatshirt," KK came up to Sofia, playing with the strings of the sweatshirt.
Paige just pushed her out of the way.

"Arnolds, you're a menace." Paige muttered, then turned to Sof and smiled sweetly.
"Hey Sof, how are you?"

"We'll leave you to it, I bet Paige has a lot to ask you," Nika shouted, giggling with everyone, retreating to the lockers.

"What's up with everyone?" Sofia raised an inquisitive eyebrow, blissfully unaware. She reached out to wipe Paige's sweatyforehand with a clean towel.

Paige zoned out for a second at how domestic this felt.

"The girls are onto..." Paige started, her words trailing.

"Us ?" Sofia completed her sentence, her tone nonchalant and unconcerned.

"Yes," Paige admitted, a hint of apology in her voice. "I tried to keep things under wraps, but they just won't let it go."

"Did you think I would mind?" Sofia asked with sounding genuinely surprised.

"I didn't know..." Paige faltered, startled at how easy Sof made everything out to be.

"I literally showed up wearing your sweatshirt," Sofia laughed, brushing off Paige's concerns with ease. "If anything, I hoped you wouldn't mind."

Paige's signature smirk came back full force.

"I do NOT mind at all. Actually I should lend you more of my clothes. You look great in them. In anything probably, Miss Fashion Week". She laughed and slipped the hoodie over Sofia's head, playfully adjusting the strings to guide her face towards hers.

"You are NOT allowed to kiss me until you've taken a shower" Sofia stated crossing her arms.

"Join me ?" Paige joked. Or not. But mostly joked yeah.

"Well that was fast. I'm sure the girls would find that so scandalous" Sofia was grinning.

"Actually, I think we should get back at them for all the shit they've thrown at me".

"Awww poor baby, but sure what do you have mind"

"They actually dared me to take you on a date," Paige admitted sheepishly. "I think I should mess with their heads a bit."

"Ok Mrs troll, you do you." Sofia chuckled. "This date does sounds good though. What a shame they had to dare you." She added with a pout.

"Don't worry, I already had some ideas in mind," Paige assured her,. "l pick you up at your dorm tomorrow at 5pm ?" She smiled confidently, dipping for a quick kiss before running back to the locker, already knowing the answer.

Sofia only blushed, realizing the blonde had memorized her schedule.

Thank you for the kind comments so far! I have around 2/3 chapters still very cute / fluff and slow burn as usuallll then drama incoming 🫡

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