Mixed Signals

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"You are SO getting 10 hours of extra PR training"

"I know"

"But that was such a boss move"

"Yeah big time"

"thank you thank you" Paige bowed to her audience, aka Azzi, Nika and Aubrey who finally looked like she didn't want to kill her anymore. She didn't feel sorry for herself one bit despite knowing she was about to eat, sleep, drink PR training after the stunt she had pulled. Surprisingly, Geno hadn't come to scold her yet. Maybe he was also fed up with the pathetic journalists.

Looking back, she couldn't believe the nerve of those journalists to ask such questions. And she couldn't believe that she had given them something to nibble on the week before. But that was over now. Hopefully.

"Okay girls, I have to go take care of something," Paige said as she left the conference room.

"But yes of course, a brunette something, with a lovely Spanish accent, for whom you've just destroyed a journalist's career" Nika snickered, but Paige had already left.

She had to see Sofia. She'd only done something normal by putting that asshole in his place, but she had a feeling that now they could be in the same room without avoiding each other.

"Sof!" called Paige, grabbing Sofia's arm from behind.


"Are you leaving already? You know our flight's tomorrow, right?" Paige laughed.

"Haha yes, I just thought you'd like to spend some time with the team and in any case a friend was planning to call me "

"I'm pretty sure everyone is waiting for you to join us" Paige insisted.

"Just like at the team dinner two days ago ?" Sofia shot back. Paige's face fell hard. "Sorry that was unnecessary" She added, just a tad regretful.

"All good I probably deserved that one. I'm sorry about that. It was my fault. But the girls would have my head if you didn't show up for another team event."

Sofia raised an eyebrow.

"And I'd have my head too." By the look of Sofia's satisfied smile, Paige had said the right thing.

"I think I like you with your head intact. And with that mouth that told that asshole to get another job" Sofia finally answered with a smirk. Paige beamed with relief.

"Well I couldn't let him talk about my girl like that," as soon as the words left her mouth, Paige felt like punching herself.

"Your girl?" Sofia crossed her arms over her chest. Paige swallowed heavily. She was such an idiot. TOO SOON. Way too soon. Did PR training exist for relationship ? Or was that just communication ? Before she could correct herself, Sofia's phone rang.

"Go ahead, go ahead, sorry, you told me you had to take the call," Paige quickly interjected, relieved to have an out.  She glanced at Sofia, silently asking if she should stick around or leave.

"Nah, it's fine, it'll be short. She probably just wants some updates," Sofia replied with a serene smile, partially covering her phone.

Who the fuck was "she" now? Sofia didn't have a sister. Maybe her mom calling? 

Paige didn't like the sinking feeling that she knew who it was but kept her mouth shut for once.

"Angel!" Sofia exclaimed excitedly as she picked up the call.

Right. Tall brunette "angel" girl. Paige wanted to murder someone.

"Hey sofie girl, how are you?" the voice on the other end asked.

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