Good Habits

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Annnnnddd I'm back yall! Just got teeth surgery - this shit hurt so much it's actually insane, + got tired for a second ngl. But despite the low comments & votes / hours spent on writing ratio, I don't want to leave this story discontinued. Found some inspo again so let's get it. But this chapter is basically smut part 2 bahaha (I did promise a shower update) sorry more plot incoming later :))


Sofia wakes up with a mouthful of hair, feeling as if she'd swallowed the Sahara desert. Light filters through the curtain, and she feels the comforting weight of Paige's arm on her stomach. What she took for a very comfortable pillow is the blonde's chest, she realizes with a grimace, and tries to move aside very discreetly to give her a few last minutes of restful sleep. She blushes furiously as she realized she isn't wearing...anything really, and regrets not having done the walk of shame to the bathroom before falling asleep, because she still feels sticky from... many things. Her own hair still smells of tequila, and she can feel the lipgloss stain on her collarbone.

With Paige still sound asleep, Sofia tiptoes to the kitchen. As she gulps water from the tap, she can't help but think back to last night's events. She wasn't going to say that she hadn't wanted to or hadn't expected to, because, come on, that would simply be wrong. But she still can't believe they'd crossed that bridge so... fluidly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She knew Paige meant every apology she'd made before, and her behavior with Kate showed how much she didn't want to ruin it again.

But still. Paige wants her. Like it is actually happening. They really are together now. For good. She can wake up like this almost every day now-well, hopefully with less of a hangover. 

Shaking her head in disbelief, she stifles a laugh as memories of her quest for the Hair Down petition - as she mentally calls it - came flooding back.

She starts making coffee and heads for the bathroom to splash some water on her face. She stops dead in her tracks when she catch sight of herself in the mirror. Talk about a jumpscare in the morning. She silently thanks whoever was listening that Paige hadn't woken up yet. Her neck is covered in little bruises like a trail of raspberries, and small crescents are visible around her thighs. Her lips are in desperate need of lip balm and her mascara has run. She shake off her self-reflection, immediately grabbing some make-up remover and starts scrubbing to look somewhat human. 

With the water running, she doesn't hear Paige sneak in and gasps when she feels cold hands wrap around her waist. She raises her head to meet Paige's eyes in the mirror.

"Hello beautiful"

"I look like a wet rat out of the sewer" . 

"I'd have said more like a raccoon, but close enough."

Sofia laughs, Paige stealing a kiss on her neck. She shivers, her eyes closing for a second as she finishes removing her make-up. Paige doesn't move, her body pressed against her as she leans over the sink to finish rinsing off, and fuck it is way too early for that. The cold porcelain sink pressed against her skin contrasts with the heat radiating off Paige, and her heart has no business speeding up at the mere contact against the toned arms squeezing her waist, slenders fingers digging above her tan line.

"Paige" Sophia scolds. Or tries to, at least, because a hot mouth is distracting her very much at the moment.

"Hum ?" Paige doesn't even lift her eyes, focused on trailing some butterfly kiss on her shoulders and below. Sophia can't tear her eyes of the mirror, trying very hard not to led her mind wander at the possibilities of what they could do in front of it, and shakes herself off abruptly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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