Facing Truths

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Paige knew she was being petty. She knew as simple text would solve a lot of problems. But all day long she'd just been able to picture this fucking ugly tall brunette stranger with Sof.

Nika and she were the one hosting the team dinner that Friday, although it'd be a short one considering the game against Iowa on Sunday. Still, she sent a text in the gc.

To Huskies 23

6pm at my place, bring sweet snacks, Nika and I have the main meal covered

Aubrey : Ok Azzi and I are on it

Nesh : What drinks do we bring ?

KK: Dr Pepper ?


KK : Stfu

Ice : Ok I'll bring juices as well

Nesh : So what do I bring

Anything but Dr Pepper

Nesh: Ok dad

Thank u son

Lily : hum guys

Q : ?

Lily : am i the only one thinking about it ?

Nikita : ?

Lily : why aren't we texting in the gc w/sof ?

*liked by nikita, nesh, kk, and others*


KK: Girl boo i believe it's a forbidden topic

Azzi : Yeah @buckets is too emotionnally constipated rn

*liked by nikita, lily, KK*

She'll be fine dw

Aubrey : so this is why she has looked miserable all week

*liked by azzi*

Aubrey : @buckets didn't know you could be actually mean

*liked by nikita*

KK: aubrey on snipper mode

Azzi: told you so @buckets

Yeehaw : i knew smtg looked off

I swear we'll be fine girls, no more Sof talk until after the game


No one piped a word in the groupchat after that.

"Well damn you managed to piss off Aubrey" Nika glared at Paige from across their living room.

"I don't know why she's mad" Paige defended herself.

"Probably because she has eyes and two working braincells. It wouldn't hurt you to use them sometimes"

Paige rolled her eyes. But to be fair, Nika had a point. Almost everyone questionned her that week obviously noticing a drift between the two of them. The rest of the squad trickled in for dinner, and Paige couldn't help but gulp nervously when Aubrey and Azzi arrived.

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