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"Manic?!" Sonic said, running over to the cell
The green hedgehog looked up to the familiar voice. He notices Sonic running up to the entrance to the cell.
"Sonic!? You're alive!?" He said, a tone of relief in his voice.
"It'll take more than an explosion to take me out..." Sonic chuckles before looking around with a serious face. "Where's Sonia?"
"I don't think she's here... We got separated..." Manic replied.

"That's fine... We'll get to her soon..."

The blue speedster begins to unlock the cell before hearing more guards yelling as they run at them from down the hall.
"Alright, listen... Once you're out, get ready to fight..." Sonic instructed. "Just remember uncle Chuck's training."
Manic nods, getting serious. Soon enough, he was freed, immediately running into a guard and shouldering him into a wall.
"That's for holding me up in that shitty cell..." He scolded. He knelt down and picked up the sword off the guard he took out. "Finally... Something to do some actual damage with..."
"Ok... Time to get outta here." Sonic said, leading the way. He knew that the original way to get out was probably crowded with soldiers now that their position was blown. He took a turn, going the opposite direction of the main entrance going into some sort of bigger, wider hall with cells that can't be opened with keys. He looked around, noticing other Mobians noticing him as well. The sad look in their eyes for being locked away was too much for him to bear. But in the cells as well seemed to be the psychos that were locked up for the right reason. But Sonic couldn't just leave the fellow Mobians there.

He looked around and noticed some sort of rope that was being stretched, as if it was holding a lot of heavy weight. His eyes followed where the rope went just to find out that that was the only thing holding all the cells closed. He thought about cutting it but not only will it help release the fellow Mobians but the rightful prisoners as well. But he can also use that. But then again, that would put the Mobians in danger.

The struggle in his mind was definitely intense but he then came to one conclusion.
"You guys find a way out... I'm helping the others out of their cells.." He ordered.
"What about you?" Manic asked.
"Don't worry... I'll make it... You go ahead..." Sonic replied, making his way to the rope.

Manic watched his brother run back to the danger before being pulled to follow the others. Sonic reached the rope, holding his sword up to it, noticing that the others had already left the building.
"Please, don't let this be one of your worst ideas..." He spoke to himself. He started having second thoughts once more before taking a deep breath and pressing the edge of the place against the rope. As he did, the guards ran into the spacious hallway of prison cells. As soon as they noticed the blue hedgehog, the sword cut through the rope. Slowly, the gates of the cages began opening up, letting all the captives free.

"All Mobians, find a way out, NOW!" Sonic ordered as loud as he could. Some of them heard him and began to do what he said, running away. But obviously, not all of them heard him. Now, all the Mobians were free, but so were the criminals. They all ran out, running at the guards... Or anyone they can find, putting the Mobians in danger.
"Fuck... I knew this wouldn't go well." Sonic cursed at himself.

Not even a few seconds later and there was a brawl happening right in the middle of the giant hallway of criminals fighting the guards and the Mobians trying to reach the exit. Sonic looked past the crowd to see the exit that the group left in. He looked around, trying to find a way around them but he had no luck. He had to go through the rumble. Before he could even take a step, about two men ran at him. One of them swings, making him react with a duck under the punch. The other tries kicking him but Sonic blocks the kick with his bare forearms. Faster than a blink, Sonic pulls out his sword and with no remorse, sliced the man's leg off.

Acting as if his partner in crime did not just get his leg sliced off, the other guy pushed Sonic, causing him to fall back. On his back, he looked up to see a boot about to step on him. Sonic rolled over, barely moving out of the way. Using his sword to get up, Sonic noticed the same man going for him. The blue speedster rolls his eyes, annoyed by the nerve of the guy.
"Piss off!" Sonic said, swinging a fist perfectly at the man's jaw, knocking him out. Once he composed himself, Sonic noticed a fist going to his face. The pain hits him, making him take a step back. He held his cheek, feeling the slight numbness fade away. He looked up at the man who decked him but didn't see anyone. With that, he knew that whoever punched didn't do it on purpose, they were just swinging like crazy.

THE FIGHT FOR MOBIUS | A Royal Sonic The Hedgehog StoryWhere stories live. Discover now