different lifes

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Pika pika pikachu.....

An alarm clock ring making the little figure of girl wake up from sleep. She stretched her arms shutting off the alarm and she walked to the bathroom to get fresh.

After put on her school uniform & went down towards dining area to see a note on it.

I'm going to office & will come late, cook dinner for yourself

She put the note back having her breakfast then went to her school.

In 20 minutes, she reached at school. She got hugged by someone

: yn you are late again

Yn: sowwy Aera. Woke up late

Aera: you could just tell your mumma to drop you. You know even if I wake up on time having seven walking alarms. My oppa or dadda always drop me to school.

Yn: because your home is far na. If mumma will drop me she'll get late for office & then she'll also get scolded from her boss like teachers scold us

Yn explained the reason to Aera who started thinking for few minutes then nodded & asked about what she brought for lunch only only for yn to face palm herself

Yn: I forgot
Aera: as always. It's fine we'll share half half from mine.

Yn:then you will again left half eaten.

Her lips turned into pout feeling bad.

Aera: half eaten. What's that? My oppa always pack lunch for two maybe he knew I also have to feed you.

Yn look at her doubtfully but Aera just nodded her head understanding her gestures.

Yn: now let's go to class Or we'll be late.

Aera: aish bubble take a chill pill. this school belongs to my oppa. Teacher won't scold us
Yn: that's wrong, people would learn the value of time & rules from you but you only are disobeying it.

Aera look at yn with horrified look seeing her scolding her.

Aera: ahha stop your pravachan. I just said it for fun.

Yn pouted looking down

Yn: sowwy.
Aera: uff now don't be upset. My bubble
Yn: don't call me that.

After school, yn & Aera came out of school while discussing about their homework.

Aera: what kind of enmity those teachers have with us that they give us so much homework.
Ynie how about you come to my house we'll do homework together.

Yn: no, Mumma will be angry & who will drop me back
Aera: my oppa
Yn: your angry bird oppa

Yn's words made Aera laugh. Aera always talk how coldie type people her brothers are. though not towards her but with others.

Yn reached at home & changed into short & tshirt running to her neighbour's house & rang the door bell.

A lady opened the door letting her enter.

Lady: oh yn you are back from school let me call so-hyun

Yn nodded sitting on the couch while the lady called someone & soon a boy around 2-3 years old came down

So-hyun: who came to meet me mumma. Oh sweethealt.

Yn: hello so-hyun.

So-hyun: me is good. Me made something for you.

So -hyun brought his crayon made painting of a girl with two pony tails having bunny rubber band on them. Yn giggled so as So-hyun's mother. Yn knew he made her painting only.

Yn: who is this girl?
So-hyun: it's my sweethealt, you.

Lady: oh god, this boy. So-hyun she's your noona not sweethealt

The lady used the same word as so-hyun who hugged yn. Yn showed her teeths in nervousness.

The lady called them to eat lunch dragging yn with her too knowing she will rather eat something from outside or won't eat anything as her mother is in office.

Yn protested but Lady didn't listened.

Lady: so-hyun eat the veggies

She said seeing her son keeping the green veggies on side.

So-hyun: me no like veggies.
Yn: so-hyun if you will eat it. You will be strong.

Yn: ok then I won't play with you
So-hyun: no, me will eat. Don't go. Ynie
Yn: hmm
So-hyun: will you be my gilfliend

Yn: huuh!
Lady: you are getting spoilt after watching to much TV.
Yn: it's ok aunt he'll understand when he'll grow up.

Yn assured her while smiling founding so-hyun activity cute. After lunch they both played together then yn left to her home and started doing her homework.

At night

She made rice & added sugar & milk in that. Having that as her dinner then went to sleep while hugging her pikachu plushie.

Next day

At BTS Mansion

Aera was sleeping peacefully on the soft mattress of bed when Namjoon entered in her room, waking her up.

She groaned.

Namjoon: princess wake up. You are getting late for school.
Aera: oppa today is holiday
Namjoon: holiday. Why?

Jin: joon don't wake her up, today is her holiday

Namjoon apologized to Aera making her went back to sleep again & went down asking the reason on her holiday.

Jin: her exams are going to start soon so school give them time to get prepared.

After an hour, Aera came down & they all have breakfast together.

Namjoon: dear, now your exams are going to start soon. Just remember to write the answers with calm mind. Marks isn't something we care about.

Aera: okie oppa. I'll tell it to bubble too. You know she take so much tension that her chubby cheeks become flat.

Jin: looks like our little sis adores her friend alot
Aera: yes she is very sweet and always helps others.

Mr. Kim: why don't you invite her at our home
Aera: I always do but she said her mumma will be angry & who will drop her back.

Jimin: we'll do it. Tell her to talk with her mother
Aera: no her mother's boss is very strict like ravana so her mother won't pick up her call.

Jungkook: who is ravana
Aera: a very bad monster.

Aera made a funny scary face making them laugh.

Mr. Kim drove off to his office while Namjoon took Aera to study.

To Be continued

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