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Yn stopped in front of Aera's room knocking on it, she entered and see her reading story book.

Yn: Aera
Aera: oh you are back. So how was your day.

Yn placed her note books on the table sitting beside her.

Yn: it was good and also I met a girl who is like you?
Aera: like me, Means?
Yn: chatterbox
Aera: how can you say that.

Yn showed her toothy smile to her while Aera only pout hitting on her forehead.

Yn: and you know today was music class to
Aera: ahh. The teacher was absent whole time but only come when I'm sick. It's alright we have dance class tomorrow too.

Yn nodded telling about the work which was done in school. After that yn went to draw in her room fortunate for her, she didn't got any homework. Aera decided to sleep as she just took medicines

While drawing she heard footsteps coming to her room direction and immediately hide all the things. She heard the door knock and opened it to see Jhope.

Jhope: your mom wants to talk to you

Yn took the phone thanking him. He asked to return it after being done making her nod.

Placing the phone on her ear, she started speaking.

Yn: h-hello mu-mumma
Mrs. Kim: did you use the canvas
Yn: n-no
Mrs. Kim: hmm Collect all the painting materials and drawing you have and burn them.

Yn's eyes widen, Before marriage her mother never knew that she always buy all these painting stuff but after Mr. Kim got her canvas, Mrs. Kim started keeping an eye on her.

Mrs. Kim: if you didn't listened to me, you will find your self in our old house. I'll lock you with spiders.

Yn: n-no, I'll do it.

Yn cut the call. A tear rolled down from her eyes recalling her mother's words.

She doesn't want to get locked up in dark room with spiders. She is afraid of them.
But she doesn't even want to ruin the incompleted dream she made on those white papers.

She hide all the stuffs and give the phone back to jhope but heard Taehyung calling her.

Yn: yo-you called m-me
Taehyung: yes, we got complain from your mother that you aren't studying so give us all those painting and sketching materials you have stored.

Yn: it's false, I'm studying well.

Jungkook: I'll get that from her room.
Namjoon: if you would have been studying then why would Mr. Song would complain about you huh!
Yn: I do-don't kn-know

Jungkook: got the things.

Yn's eyes widen seeing him holding all her precious things. She stepped forward looking at him throwing it and lighting up the matchstick.

Jimin and jhope grabbed her making her struggle in their hold and bite their arms.

She eyed the fire burning all the sketches she made and started  extinguishing it with her bare hands.

Her more than half of sketchbooks was burnt along with paintings which she treasured with her whole life.

Jimin: it's your fault that you didn't studied well.

Yn fisted her hand in anger feeling immense hate towards them.


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