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Yn played with her friends till evening having her lunch with them offcourse after telling it to Jin through call.

Then went back

On Sunday

Mrs. Kim was at home talking with Aera, all the seven brothers were seated beside her and Mr. Kim on different sofa watching match on TV.

Yn was in her room holding the book from morning, she found interesting.

It was about the language history, how there was no language then soon people started using drum beats like sounds then started speaking, used signs in the place of words to write After some centuries people started speaking in different languages.

She was feeling thirsty so she get down to drink it.

She was going back when Mr. Kim called her to watch the match.

Yn look at her mother engrossed in talks and sat beside him.

Mr. Kim: this match is interesting. I'm sure, team 2 will win

Yn look at the score, team 2 actually got higher points. Then at the remaining players.

Yn: I think team 1 will win
Mr. Kim: no, look at their scores they are so behind it.

Yn: I don't know but my heart is saying that.
Mr. Kim: it's ok, don't feel bad. Losing is normal in games.

Yn nod going back to watch the game. At the end, like yn said team 1 won it.

Mr. Kim: truly games are unpredictable.

Yn: hmm. But team 2 used their best players at first to get good marks unlike team 1 because they knew they will get to defeat them in second round. Plus the ground with time will get slippery making it harder for the team 2 to run

Mr. Kim: you analysis it all?
Yn: I just assumed.

Mrs. Kim: yn, don't you have any home work or something to read that you are wasting your time on these assumptions.

Mr. Kim: but I asked her to join me.

Mrs. Kim: but she has to be self aware. She won't get good marks or achieve anything by watching games.

Yn got down from couch going back to her room while Mr. Kim was feeling guilty.

When Mrs. Kim left to her room, he silently went to yn's room

Mr. Kim: yn

Yn: yes, Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim: I'm sorry, because of me, you mother scolded you
Yn: it's not your fault. I'm fine
Mr. Kim: stop studying now, you are doing it from the time you wake up.
Yn: but this book is interesting.

Mr. Kim look at her for clearance then nod leaving the room.

He went back to his room to see Mrs. Kim using her phone.

Mr. Kim: you shouldn't have scolded her. She is studying from morning. It won't hurt if she'll take a break
Mrs. Kim: you would be fine with it but I'm not. I'm not ready to hear any complain from her school.

Mr. Kim: she's a kid. Your behaviour will affect her self confidence

Mrs. Kim: I know how to take care of my daughter.

Mr. Kim sighed. Arguing with yn's mother is kind of hard for him too. He wants to be calm because he is afraid if she indirectly blamed yn for their fight

Moreover, fights only make the peaceful household toxic. The one who suffer most aren't the couple but the little children because of it.

The day passed by.

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