Fun Time

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Aera got down from bed and ran out in search of yn. She first checked in her room then went in the garden.

She look at yn playing with yeontan

Aera: He get along with you so easily..... Yn I'm sorry

Aera first tried to make a conversation but when yn didn't reacted,she came to the main point. Yn look towards her being confused and asked the reason

Aera: I talked with you so rudely

Yn: it's ok
Aera: are you not angry
Yn: no, despite being angry, you protected me
Aera: thank you.

Yn hugged her tightly while a drop of tear left from her eye.

Aera: yn, you used to talk about your neighborhood kid? What had happened to him as you are living here.
Yn: he was very upset when he find out about it. I really miss him
Aera: it's okie
Yn: he used to call me sweethealt
Aera: oh sweetheart
Yn: bakkk

Yn made a disgusting face hearing Aera and scolded her.

Aera: ynie let's go and watch Lee jung sun's new movie, no breathing.

Yn agreed before running inside with Aera watching the Television.

Aera kept on laughing looking at yn covering her face time to time whenever jungsuk appeared shirtless. As he is a swimmer in it, there were many scenes like that.

Yn pout feeling offended by hearing Aera's laugh

Yn: stop laughing
Aera: what can I do? Your blushing face is so hilarious.
Yn: I wasn't blushing
Aera: then why were you covering your face when he appeared shirtless
Yn: I respect his privacy

Yn mumbled while pouting making Aera laugh again at her. Her cheeks turned more red in embarrassment while Aera tried hard to control her laugh.

Now yn was tired so she decided to go back & do her homework. She walked away from there. Aera being curious followed her & seeing her doing study she decided to complete her work too. With this thought she went to her room.

At evening, All the 6 brothers who were out of the house have arrived.

Jin asked Aera about her lunch knowing the maids left early today and she was all alone with Namjoon who is very famous for being the God of destruction.

Jin: what you had for lunch, princess
Aera: pizza. It was so tasty


Yn flinched falling down from her bed hearing jin's loud noise and took deep breaths to calm herself down.

She rushed downstairs and found a furious Jin throwing dagger with his eyes to Namjoon.

Yn: it's not his fault. He tried to cook but injured himself so I asked him to order.

Yn seeing his anger decided to take the blame herself. Hearing about the injury, jin's anger vanished as he facepalmed himself at thr clumsy self of his koala like brother.

Aera: oppa, I asked him to order pizza, yn only suggested to order from outside
Jin: you injured yourself. Show me

Namjoon releasing a breath forwarded his injured finger which he examined.

Jin: It's not looking serious but be careful from next time

Yn: how do you know if it's serious or not
Jin: because I'm a doctor
Yn: oh

Namjoon: sure hyung, I'm sorry.

Jin: it's fine. Just Stop hurting yourself
Yn: me sowwy too
Jin: why
Yn: one of your plate lost it's life because of me?

Jin: what?

He didn't understand yn's words so yn repeated herself in more simple language

Jin: it's fine
Yn: so when are you going to held it's funeral

They all passed a done look to her making her blink her eyes in confusion. Jin ignored her words and left from there.

Aera: who hold plates funeral? stupid
Yn: but I'll get ice cream there
Aera: you are impossible

Yn looked down making a gloomy face. Aera whined at the sudden change in yn's mood & dragging her to dining table

Aera: why did you take blame on yourself.

Yn halted while walking hearing the sudden query. Passing a sweet smile to Aera she was ready to skip her way but one glare from Aera was enough to freeze her on her place

Yn: he'll scold oppa

The answer only made Aera scoff. Her brother always do it so it doesn't something big.

After getting changed, Jin started cooking for all of them.

As requested by Aera, they give both the girls a bowl of ice-cream.

Yn finished her first now was gawking at Aera's one.

Yn love the chilled sweet dessert and she is aware of it.

Feeling a strong hungry gaze on herself, Aera turned to yn who looked away and scolded herself in mind for reacting like this.
If Aera's stomach ache she won't forgive herself.

Aera forwarded some Ice cream making her shook her head while looking at Ice-cream with starry eyes.

Aera took her hand placing the bowl in it & asked more like ordered yn to eat. Who, for the first time was ready to listen to her order.

She smiled in joy after finishing the Ice cream. She took Aera's bowl and washed both of it.

Even if Aera asked her not to do so but she just shrugged that telling she's doing it as a thank you.

The seven brothers heard yn talking about thank you and shook their head in disbelief. One bowl of ice-cream is enough to convince the little girl who is staying in their home.

After Aera kept the bowls on their place. They both forwarded their steps to their room to finally sleep.

Yn being the most tired as she wasn't able to get sleep in afternoon fall sleep just as she hold the plushy in her arms.

In Morning

Yn was done with making her hair when she heard a door knock. She opened to see Jungkook.

He entered and asked her to sit on the stool making her ran out of the room.

While running, she hide behind Aera

Aera: oppa, you are scolding her?
Jungkook: I just asked her to sit on stool so that I can make her hair

Yn: no, me love two tails.

Jungkook: you.......

I'll give you icecream if you sit silently & let me make one tail of your hairs.

Jungkook was going to argue but decided against it and choose to bribe the little innocent kid.
He smirked in mind seeing the glow in her eyes

To Be Continued

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