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Aera look at yn hiding behind her & pulled her at front jungkook eyed the crowd and hold Aera in his arm so that she won't get lost.

They left leaving yn behind who was now infront of those students who were eyeing her suspiciously.

They knew Aera from before but never saw her.

Girl 1: who are you?
Yn: I...I'm yn

Boy: why you were with bts in their car what's your relationship with them.

Yn clenched on her skirt being scared when Aera arrived there and noticed them surrounding her.

Aera: leave her alone

She commanded taking a hold of yn's hand dragging her inside who was now scared of Aera too.

Aera: what were you doing there
Yn: you left me

She pout rubbing her wrist making Aera look at it. She realised, she was holding it to tightly.

Jungkook: princess, why did you went there
Aera: because Yn was left there

The five brothers look at yn who was looking around the school building.
Jungkook lead them to their class.

They sat together on a bench. After half an hour, teacher entered & only the intro was done.

At lunch

Aera dragged yn with her to canteen & stood at the door looking around to find her brothers.

Aera: can you see oppa
Yn: because of these tall people, I can't see canteen properly let alone your oppa.

Aera: ok then let's shout their name

Yn: No.

Aera: yeah fine no need to scream
There they are

She pointed at the table taking yn with her who whined after getting dragged for so long.

Jungkook: finally you are here.

& you to
Aera: yeah where will she go. If not here. Go & bring lunch for us
Namjoon: us? You mean for her too
Aera: yeah now go

Yn was playing with her fingers feeling their dark gaze on her. Jimin went and brought lunch for Aera also for yn too.

While eating, Aera kept on talking about her new classmates & teachers. While yn didn't spoke a word.

After lunch, they went back to their class.

Last class was of Arts, yn went to painting class & Aera went to art and craft class.

After school

Yn came in campus & look around to find her way to the parking lot. After not seeing a way she started going to a corner, when someone held her from bag. She turned & look at a girl.

Girl: are you finding BTS car.

Yn nodded

Girl: they left already.
Yn: what about Aera?
Girl: their sister.

Yn: yes
Girl: she also left with them. If you want I can drop you.

Yn: really? But can I call them once
Girl: ok here's my phone. I study with taehyung.

She dialed taehyung's number handing the phone to yn who already had tears in her eyes.

Yn: hello
Taehyung: hello
Yn: can you come to pick me up
Taehyung: I'm busy.

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