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Another day
At noon

The 7 siblings were sitting together to have lunch, 6 brothers with their sister.

Yn arrived there.

Aera: ynie can you call jin oppa. I'm lazy.

Yn: okie but where is he?

Aera: maybe in room

Yn agreed & went to Jin's room entering inside, she was welcomed by silence.

She look around & knocked on the bathroom door not getting any reply she left towards dining area but before she could inform Aera jin arrived there as they sat & had their lunch.

Walking to his room, jin picked up the laptop & found it broken.

Jin: Maria

He shouted the maid's name who rushed towards his room & gulp looking at the broken laptop which is because of her.

Jin: who entered in my room

Maria: I just saw yn entering in your room and also she came out looking panic. i think she broke the laptop

He allowed her to go as she ran out of the room while sweating. Jin marched towards yn's room & knocked on it.

Yn: you want something oppa.

Jin: did you entered in my room?

Yn: yes. To....

Before yn could speak, Jin slapped her right across her cheeks. Her face turned sidewards.

Jin: because of you, my all hard work went in vain.

Saying so, he left the room while yn caressed her cheek on which she just received the slap. She still doesn't know why he slapped her & is very angry about it.


Jin entered in his room & noticed the pendrive. He checked it to see the file stored in it.

He sighed being grateful that he has it but felt guilty for slapping yn. He shrugged the regret away & started working

She didn't came in front of the brothers till the dinner time spending her time in room & lastly played with yeontan

At dinner

Jin: yn, you are studying well in school right

Yn: why does it concerns you?

Namjoon: yn. how dare you talk...

Yn: yeah you also have some problem, say it I'm listening

Aera: yn are you sick

Yn: I'm not

Aera: oh then who upsets you

Jungkook: princess hoe could you say it just because she's talking like this

Aera: I know her very well.

Jin: eat I'll check that

Yn: wish you checked before

She glare at him while mumbling & chewing on her food.

After they were done having dinner, Aera went to sleep.

Yn was moving to her room but got stopped by Namjoon & jungkook

Namjoon: follow us silently

They hold her hand dragging her to Jim's room.

As they sat together.

Jin: you forgot the rules so early Namjoon: you really deserve some good treatment for it.

Jungkook took out few books placing on her head making her nervous.

Yn: wh-what are you do-doing Jungkook: look hyung she get back to her real self so early.

Jin: stay like this for 1 hour. If any book fall down, one hour will get increase

They decided to watch TV till her punishment get over.

Yn decided to complete her punishment as it was not something hard for her, she had face worse than this.

40 minutes passed easily for her but after that she could feel her legs getting numb from standing so long.

She kept her eyes stuck at the clock counting the passing second.

19 minutes 50 seconds also passed with her headache & head spinning.

She counted the last 10 seconds & tried to be in her position looking at the brothers who were engrossed in the drama, long forgotten was the little girl.

Her grip on her own self loosened as she fall down taking their attention. They look at her & the time to find she completed the punishment for the mistake she didn't committed

Namjoon asked Jin if he would check upon her but he denied. Namjoon took her towards her room & made here's sleep.

Yn tossed around hugging her plushy.

He left the room.

In morning

Aera was waiting for yn to come soon so that they can eat. Usually yn always came early so it was making Aera confuse

She decided to check upon her & went to her room. She was shocked looking at the sleeping figure of yn & shook her.

Her eyebrows squinted feeling the burning sensation & touched her forehead to find it burning. She ran down & stood right beside Jin.

Aera: oppa yn has fever

Jin: you eat, I'll give her medicines.

Aera agreed sitting on table. After breakfast, he left to yn's room & made her gulp down peracetamol.

He let the boys go alone with Aera and left to hospital. Yoongi also left to the company.

After few hours, yn woke up stretching her arms & look around before going down but didn't found a single soul there.

She look at the time and concluded that everyone left to their respective destination & maids also left to their home.

Feeling hungy, she checked all the cabinets in search of food but didn't get anything.

She pouted tying her hair into bun & folded her sleeves before started cooking.

She cooked for herself then washed the dishes.

She sat in living room feeling bored then cheered before going to draw something.

Reaching at her room she heard the pittar patter sound of rain & collected all her colours before going to balcony

She was glad there is no thunder sound today as she is scared of it. After making painting. She ran in garden & took out yeontan from his house playing in rain with him.

He had a so done face after getting drenched in rain by her & moved his hair to remove water going in his house.

Yn pout placing her hands on chest looking at him. The rain stopped so she left to change.

When she came back in hall she look at the muddy footprints of her decorating the floor

Yn: hehehe it looks so cute but now I've to clean it or those brothers will scold me.

They look so small. It's not mine but a toddler's footprint.

To Be Continued

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