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Namjoon was teaching Aera maths. He released a sigh seeing her still stucked at the question he teached her 5 times.

Aera is not fonds with maths but she can't ignore it no matter what.

Aera asked his phone which he denied.

Aera: please oppa. I won't play games.

He narrowed his eyes before placing his phone in her hand.

She dialed a number & kept the phone on speaker.

Aera: bubble
Yn: sowwy wrong no.

Aera: ahh sorry sorry. I wont call you that again. But I'm stuck at one equation

Yn helped her in understanding the method clearing Aera's doubt.

She hand back his phone doing thr sum again in right method

Namjoon: woah you didn't understood when I was teaching you but she did it
Aera: she is very good in maths & offcourse people understood friend's things more than the elders.

Namjoon told her to go & take rest & she entered in yoongi's room only to find him sleeping.

She climbed on the bed & slept hugging him.
They both woke up together & yoongi raised an eye brow looking at her making her smile in return. She ran out of his room to her own & started playing alone.


Yn got up from her sleep &walked to living room to see her mother watching news.

She called her softly asking for breakfast but Miss song rolled her eyes.

Miss song: I'm not hungry if you are then go & eat

Yn left from there but doesn't feel like eating alone so she started cleaning the floor.

Sitting on the breakfast table, Miss song spoke to yn

Miss song: tomorrow is your result
Mom: I don't want low marks in any subject
Miss. Song: huff now I've to take leave for ur admission also I swear if I got any complain or u do not study well I'll lock u up in storeroom
Yn: I won't do it
Miss. Song: will be good for u

Yn just gave a nod going back to her eating.
After breakfast Mrs. Song left to her office. While yn went to her room & started painting. Though her mother doesn't like all these things calling it time waste but she is deeply in love with the smell of paint.

The time passed

Yn & Aera were done giving exams & today was their result day. After passing from the class they will go to junior School. They are in the last class of primary education. 5th class in normal language.

The school is only to fifth so after they clear it they will shift to new school.

Yn sat in the car with her mother going towards school.

While entering inside, yn noticed Aera from back going towards car while jumping then followed her mother.

The teacher praised yn as she again got first position. Yn just lightly smile this position isn't something yn want but she has to get it or her mother would be disappointed.

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