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In morning

Since it's Saturday today, Aera was planning to go out and spend time with her brothers.

Aera: oppa, let's go out and spend some time today
Jin: good idea
Yoongi: I won't be able to join you
Aera: why
Yoongi: because I've my sleeping schedule arranged for today
Aera: you are coming with us that's final

Yn, with her daily hairstyle reached at living room greeting everyone.

Jungkook: pika pika

They all look at jungkook when he spoke up out of nowhere. Yn got confused seeing his eyes on her and followed his gaze to notice him looking at her hoodie on which the said words are printed

Jungkook: pikachu hoodie, pikachu plushy
Do you have anything else of pikachu
Yn: yes pikachu money bank and alarm clock.

Aera: yn we are going out today

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Aera: yn we are going out today.

Yn: ok bye
Aera: you are coming with us.
Yn: no
Aera: I'm telling you not asking you
Yn: but I don't wanna come
Aera: why
Yn: because my homework is still pending
Aera: okie fine

They had their breakfast. Before leaving jin asked her again if she would like to join but she denied.

Hearing the car's sound she cheered running to her room.
Taking out a white paper packet she left the house after locking it and sliding the keys in her pocket.

She reached in front of a ice-cream and chocolate shop.

Going inside she checked all the chocolates names. Pointing at one she asked the shopkeeper to pack 21  of them.

The shopkeeper told the price of all 21 chocolates. Even if he'll get profit by selling them but his morals won't allow to cheat on a little kid

Shopkeeper: your stomach will ache if you eat this much chocolates
Yn:it's not for me, it's for my friends.

Yn paid the amount taking thr chocolate bag in her hand.

Meanwhile driving through the way BTS also arrived there after Aera asked for icecream suddenly.

There were lots of shops near the place the went before coming here but the shop is popular for selling good products so they decided to come here only

Jimin noticed yn and immediately recognised her through her hairs and hoodie

Jimin: isn't it yn
Namjoon: yeah but she said she is going to do her homework
Jin: she lied just so that she could get chocolates
Jungkook:princess you always praise her and took her side but she lied to you just for few chocolates
Aera: Maybe she was craving for it or have any reason
Jimin: what could be the bigger reason than not sharing those with you
Yoongi: let's follow her by this Aera herself will see it
Aera: ok

They noticed her leaving the shop and bought ice-cream fastly going inside car and driving in slow speed so that they could match with her.

It has been 10 minutes since they are following her. Yn turned to right side but because of traffic they failed to follow her.

Yn reached in front of a house and entered to see a boy walking holding a stick. She rushed to him making him sit.

Yn: mingyu how are you
Mingyu: I'm good how are you. You didn't came to us last time and also before that
Yn: I was so sick.
Mingyu: are you ok now

A girl arrived there and nudged yn's hoodie talking something in sign language

Haru: unnie, you are not forgetting something, right?

Yn pretended to think inducing all the 21 kids to get curious. Seeing their face yn laughed before raising up the chocolate bag showing it to them.

Yn: are you talking about this.

They all cheered as she handed one to all of them.

Yn: where is aunt
Mingyu: she's taking rest inside.

BTS who fortunately was able to get her sight from far also had arrived there and was watching how yn is distributing chocolates to the kids who are looking like special children.

After they were done eating the chocolates, yn took out a black board from inside the house making the kids scrunch their faces.

She wrote on the black board teaching the children.

Yn: okie now it's enough
Let's play

Yn spoke rubbing the black board and keeping it inside.

Haru brought a ball to play by passing it to each other.

A boy threw away ball in yn's direction but it went past by her making her run to grab it.

While running, she tripped falling down and recieved gasps from the kids.

Mingyu: aunt, Yn fall down

Yn placed her finger on lips to make him quiet but he noticed and unnoticed that.
A lady came out from thr house walking to her and look at her bleeding knee.

Aunt: oh god, how can you be so clumsy. Always hurting yourself again. You are the eldest among you all but you behave like the youngest.

The lady look up at her to see covering her ears, hearing the scolding. The lady got up standing and took her to the wooden bench like place. Haru kept the ball inside.

Then Mingyu and yn decided to play chess
. . . . 
Mingyu: check mate, you lost

Yn pouted looking at it making the kids to get concious. They looked at the teary eyes of her from which she was looking at them.

Yn broke into laughter looking at their faces

Yn: you all actually thought, I would cry.

They all whine falling into her trap making her giggle.


Yn check the time seeing the sky getting brighter and bid bye to the children before leaving towards the mansion.

She took a relaxed breath not seeing anyone presented there.

She opened the door entering inside and went to study.

When all the sibling returned from outside. Jimin asked her if she was in home all the time inducing her to nod her head up and down.

Aera took yn with her in the name of playing games.

Aera: ynie, you know today first we went to park then we decided to get some ice cream after that we saw a girl giving chocolates to special children and playing with them also teaching them

Yn's face turned pale hearing it. She clearly understood Aera had noticed her.

Aera: you know what's her name
Yn: how wo-would I?
Aera: her name is yn.

Why did you hide that from me
Yn: you never asked and also you always spend time with your brothers that's why. Sowwy

Yn pull out her secret weapon to convince her friend who released a breath and agreed.

To Be Continued

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