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After finishing the meal, yn left the place. Aera ran behind her to stop her.

After school ended, they reached at home and had lunch together.

Jin was Already at home when yn decided to approach him to speak something.

She knocked on his room door taking his permission to enter.

Yn: jin oppa

Jin: what are you doing here?

Yn: you slapped me because you found your laptop broken right
Jin: yeah
Yn: I didn't break it.
Jin: do you have proof
Yn: Your house has CCTV camera just near your room.

Jin left her hand before taking out his phone and check the footage of the day he slapped her.

The camera give the perfect view of his working table where laptop was placed. He noticed Maria (maid) entering inside & cleaning things.
While cleaning the table she accidently dropped the device breaking it into two parts.

She ran out of the room keeping the laptop where is was before then after few minutes yn entered looked around then left.

The guilt arise in his mind making yn poke on his arm with finger to call him and when he looked at her, she raised an eye brow. She demands a big strong apology just like the slap.

Yn was thankful that she heard that Maria maid speaking to herself about it and noticed the camera or she'll be always confused why he slapped her.

Jin: I did that out of anger
Yn: after seeing it I'm also angry so how about I return the slap to you
Jin: you... Will slap me. I'm elder than you got that
Yn: So what? It doesn't mean you will punish me for the mistakes I didn't comitted.
I want a sincere apology otherwise you know your sister and father is an option for me.

His face went pale after the threat. He knew of his father find out, he'll be dead and if Aera get to know about it. She won't talk to him for whole life.

Jin: fine.... I'm sorry

He said bitterly like he's doing a favor to her inducing yn to get more furious as she was going to shout Aera's name he covered her mouth.

Jin: look I'm really sorry. It was my mistake I could have look into the matter properly.

Yn wasn't satisfied with the apology but still let him go this time leaving to her room.

Jin regretted his whole life decision first then get more angry on Maria who lied to him.

Holding her sketch book, yn was staring at the blank sheet. She wants to draw but doesn't have any idea what to draw.

Just then Aera entering taking her by surprise.

Seeing the shocked face of yn, she asked the reason

Yn: You suddenly came.
Aera: yeah what are you doing
Yn: I'm thinking what to draw
Aera: you should use canvas too it's not for showpiece
Yn: but I don't have any idea what to draw on it too.

Aera thought for sometime then snapped her fingers getting an idea

She covered Yn's eyes asking her to think about anything or anyone then draw that.

Yn obliged and removed the hands before picking up her sketching pencil and trace it on the white paper

Aera didn't know what to say after looking at the sketch. It was good but still this.

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