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Mrs. Kim was scolding yn for not focusing on studies without giving her any chance to explain.

Yn also without a word just kept on listening her.

Aera: aunt, Sir got misunderstood. Yn isn't the one at fault.

Aera was now tired of it. She knew Mr. Song misunderstood her but yn not speaking anything about it just annoyed her.

She wants her to speak about Mr. Song and also how her brothers behaved with her because of that. Not being able to handle any more, she herself decided to speak on behalf of her.

Mrs. Kim: dear, she's your friend but you shouldn't support her wrong behaviour.

Yn, you understood what I said.

Yn: y-yes, I'll fo-focus on st-studies only. You wo-won't get any complain

Mrs. Kim: hummm

you all are together so now I can give you the things I got for you all.

Mrs. Kim left and arrived in two minutes dragging a big suit case.

She opened it and took out 8 boxes handing one to each of them.

The seven boxes were for the seven brothers and the eighth one was for Aera.

Aera thanked Mrs. Kim  after opening the box and look at the new dress with fake smile still being upset.

The seven brothers also smiled seeing her smiling.

When Aera remembered something and left to her room.

She came back holding something in her hand.

Aera: dadda, see

Aera showed the same portrait of her mother that yn made.

Mr. Kim's eyes widen. It was just like a photograph.

Mr. Kim: princess, you made it?
Aera: no, yn made it.

Yn panicked seeing BTS, Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim looking at her.

Mr. Kim: thank you dear, It's the best gift for me.

Yn: wel-welcome, uhmm I've one m-more thing.

Yn left to her room and come back hiding something behind her.

Yn:I h-hope you wo-would like it.

Yn forwards the painting she made of her family. Including BTS, Aera, Mr. Kim and his dead wife with their present looks.

Yn thought to made it to give it to Aera. by this, Aera would feel that her mother is with her.

BTS had a surprised look while Aera was proud of her bestie. Mr. Kim had some tears in his eyes.

He hold it caressing it. The colours too were blended properly just to give a perfect family picture look.

Mrs. Kim fisted her hands in anger.

Mr. Kim: thank you, dear, it's even more precious.

Mrs. Kim stayed silent. She was trying to not get in their bad side.

Yn smiled lightly this is the only thing she could give them.

Next day

It was Saturday, however Mrs. Kim left to office for work even after Mr. Kim asked her that there is no need but she made excuse of pending files.

He never asked her to work 6 days of week. It was always five for her just like others but she is workaholic. She even used to go everyday before their marriage.

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