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In evening, Yn and Aera was watching pokemon while talking about it. While the seven brothers were looking at them.

Jungkook: don't you all think she's stealing our sister?
Taehyung: yeah, now Aera doesn't spend with us like before
Namjoon: she must be planning something

Jimin: let's ask her
Hoseok: not now, Aera is with her

The whole day passed with Aera and yn talking about different things

On monday

Dressed in their school uniform, both girls rushed down and look at the maids making breakfast. Greeting them they both took their place on chairs having their early breakfast.

At the time of lunch, Mr. Song asked Aera to take notebooks in cabin to keep them making her nod.

Aera collected the notebooks but there were alot of them so yn helped her with that going to Mr. Song's cabin.

Placing it on the table, they ran outside towards canteen and stopped in front of BTS.

Jhope: what took you so long
Aera: sir asked us to keep notebooks in his cabin.

They nod and had lunch. After eating lunch they were moving towards their class when a boy informed Aera that sir is asking for her.

Aera told yn to go towards class alone. She will come in few minutes on which yn agreed as they separated their way.

While walking, yn bumped into someone and look at the three brothers standing in front of her that surely gives her an unsure feeling.

Taehyung: where is Aera
Yn: Mr. Song called her for some work
Jungkook: that's good, come with us

Yn with unwanted mind followed their steps and reached in an empty classroom where only the two elder brothers were present

Namjoon: what are you planning
Yn: huh?

Namjoon: why are you being to close with Aera. Let me remind you, no matter what, we would never be your brothers.

Yn: you are so confused, you said you won't take me as your sister but my every single action bothers you. First clear your mind.

Namjoon: are you talking back to us

He raised his voice as well as hand in anger making yn flinch on her spot. A voice boomed in the classroom.


Yn look up to see an old professor probably of university standing at the doorstep, his hands at the back.

Namjoon: General sir that's not what you are thinking
Prof: so you are saying, I didn't witnesses you raising your hands and shouting at her. You all follow me and you too.

He ordered them then pointed his finger at yn asking her making her nod hurriedly as stood beside him feeling their dark gaze on her.

They all silently followed the professor to principal cabin.

Reading the board on the cabin, YN's face turned pale

Yn: sir, I've class, can I go?

Prof: no

She sulked up entering inside the cabin.

Principal: good morning General Sir. What brings you here?
Prof: these boys were bullying a little kid.

Principal looked at yn who was having a staring contest with ground and asked her about that.

Principal: did they bullied you
Prof: if you lie, I'll expel them from university
Yn: yes.

She immediately changed her statement hearing Professor's words.

Principal: Mr. General, how about you decide their punishment.

The professor agreed and took them in sport campus.

Prof: take 20 rounds of the whole ground

He commanded the 5 boys. He turned to yn asking her to sit on the bench while he himself took place beside her.

Yn felt bad seeing them running around. It's been 10 minutes, they had completed 5 round but 15 more round were left.

Yn: sir, They are tired. Stop their punishment.

Prof: no.

Yn: but th-they are my br-brothers.
Prof: they should learn their mistake. Now if you ask me again. I'll double their punishment.

She turned silent. She so badly wants to run away from here but she is lazy afar and even if she try, the man would catch her easily.

She sighed knowing she skipped the class.

After long minutes, thr brothers were done with their punishment.nh they bowed to the professor who warned them to be in their best behaviour or he won't mind telling their father.

Yn ran to her class and luckily didn't saw any teacher.

Aera: where were you? You know Mr. Song was so angry and thinking you bunked the class.

Yn: now what shall I Do?

Aera: don't worry, I'll talk with him.

After school, they all reached at home and after eating lunch the 5 nh brothers decided to take some rest as their legs were paining like hell.

At Evening

When Jin returned back, he was surprised to see the silence surrounding his house.

Which is totally unexpected having such crazy brothers. Only yn was in living room looking at pokemon.

He look at taehyung getting down from stairs.

Jin: why are you all in room today?
Taehyung: because we all were tired form running because of someone.

Yn who was looking at them being curios looked away after he started talking about her.

Yoongi look at yn with dark gaze because he clearly know they won't be tired from running behind or because of Aera.

Yn kept on giving them side eyes everytime feeling their gaze and thought to run away from here before something come in their mind.

For her good luck, Aera arrived on time taking a place beside her but frowned seeing yn giving her a way to bright smile.

In morning

Yn pout looking at jungkook holding comb in his hand.

Jungkook: sit down
Yn: no
Jungkook: you look like a kitten in this hairstyle
Yn: kitten.... Means yoongi oppa

Jungkook narrowed his eyes looking at her making her gulp as she skipped her way out.

Reaching at the table, she sat down stuffing the pancake in her mouth.

She look at jungkook coming towards them then back at plate.

Jin: where were you
Jungkook: in hell
Yn: so how was the trip of your hometown

Aera looked shocked with yn's words who was eating the food without looking towards the burning bunny.

To Be Continued

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