Spending time

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After lunch, yn decided to spent her leftover day in Aera's room but got stopped by yoongi.

She look at the three brothers who pointed towards kitchen probably asking her to wash dishes again

Jin: if you will go. Who will wash them.
Yn: I'm not a servant of yours, do it yourself.

Yn's bold reply took them by surprise. They weren't expecting her to give back reply.

Yoongi ran behind her when she showed her tongue to them and close the door.

Jhope followed her and warned her to come out or he will break the door.

Yn: if you break the door. I'll complain to mumma.

Jhope: I don't care.
Yn: & your dad too

He stopped on his position cursing yn for threatening him. She released a sigh hearing the fading sound of footsteps.

Yn: what if they tell mumma about it. But they don't know about our relation. So they won't.

Yn comforted herself & started reading a book. After painting, reading is her another hobby. She finds peace in books & learnt all the good habits by reading stories too.

In evening, yn was still engrossed in book while Aera, sitting beside her was playing with doll. Aera jumped on her place hearing Mr. Kim's voice.

Yn followed her too & look at her hugging Mr. Kim who gave her a chocolate

She just stood in a corner, Miss Song went to change in the guest room given to her. Mr. Kim also left to his room.

At dinner, Aera was telling about her day which went boring as her brothers were busy.

Mr. Kim: you both are kids. You both can play with each other.

Aera & yn look at each other for good minutes then went back to eating.

Next day

Mr. Kim: today we are on leave to spend time with you all. I'll spend time with yn & you all with Seujin.

He announced making BTS look at him with wide eyes.

Aera: so you won't spend time with me.
Mr. Kim: who said it. We'll play in evening.

Aera nodded smiling.

Miss. Song: yn, don't trouble him much.

Yn: okie dokie
Mr. Kim: let her be. Then only we'll know each other.

Mr. Kim said smiling towards yn. After breakfast. Mr. Kim took her to the left side with yn & Miss. Song to the right with BTS and Aera.

With Yn

Mr. Kim: yn tell me about yourself.

Yn: me? I'm 10 years old & studies in xxx school. But now I'll go to junior class.

Mr. Kim: anything else

Yn look at him with confusion that's all she know she can tell about herself.

Mr. Kim: would you like to watch TV.
Yn: no
Mr. Kim:how about game.
Yn: no
Mr. Kim: then ice-cream.

Yn: ice-cream?

Mr. Kim nodded taking out an ice-cream from mini fridge & giving it to yn. She opened the cover & took a spoonful of chilled dessert in her mouth.

Her eyes shined feeling the sweetness along with cooling sensation in her mouth. She finished that in few minutes. Mr. Kim was checking his phone so yn hiding from him licked the cover.

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