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Clouds cover the sun, spreading shadows over the clearing. The Red Cardinal perches on Sister Wolf's shoulder. Seated at the riverbank, the warrior priestess watches Nairon try to lift the Thunderclaw, the sword Jygar gave to his father, with all the strength a 4-year-old possesses.

Suddenly, the wolf cubs jump on Nairon and knock him down. Zairos smiles. He runs to his son and grabs him in his lap. Nairon lets out a scream followed by a laugh as Zairos throws him into the calm river and jumps right after him.

They play in the water. Nairon dives to hide from his father. He emerges behind Zairos and laughs. The boy dives again. Several seconds pass and Zairos' smile vanishes. His son has been submerged for too long.

He finally reappears several feet away, laughing again. Zairos lets out a relieved breath. But Nairon is not the only one to emerge. Behind the boy, Night Eye appears and grabs him in a chokehold. He then holds a knife to his neck, which starts to bleed. Zairos swims in a desperate attempt to reach them. Night Eye raises the knife and--


Scared and sweaty, Zairos lifts his upper body and sits up in bed. Minara awakens and caresses his back.

Minara: "Another nightmare?"

He nods. She looks at Nairon, turned at his bed's corner, in a deep sleep. Minara pulls a small curtain and then Zairos back by his hair. She mounts him.

Minara: "I'll give you a good dream, then."

With burning passion, she kisses Zairos as their hips intertwine. Clothes off, now she has only her hair partially covering her nude breasts. They close their eyes living an ephemeral dream as they move like one in a smooth and hypnotic cadence. The dance of their naked bodies accelerates more and more as the frequency of the whispering notes that their lips sing.


Under the sunset light, Orgath, elegantly dressed, gallops on his horse on the road which leads to Thalderan. Four mounted Axengard ELITE GUARDS follow him.



At the bottom of the temple's hill, Orgath and his men ride their horses at a slow pace. Without interrupting their march, he reads a scroll. With a slight smile he rolls it closed. The Axengardian heir speeds his horse toward the steep path to the temple. The mounted Elite Guards accompany Orgath, galloping around him. In a few minutes the group reaches the top of the hill and then passes a huge leafy tree at the path's ending before the temple. They hear a terrifying roar. The guards immediately turn at the source of the noise: the treetop above them. The massive creature leaps on the guards, knocking two of them down. Werebeast lands, crouched, nearby the soldiers.

The fallen men try to get up and wield their swords, but their opponent moves fast. The tip of the blade parallel to Werebeast's arm ends in a sharp protruding point and he drives his elbow down to sink it into the first guard, still trying to stand up. Leaping, he throws the second guard back to the ground and slits his throat with the blade along his forearm.

Scared, Orgath's horse rears up, throwing his rider down, and gallops away. Riding their horses, the two other guards charge at Werebeast. The bestial warrior rolls aside, and with his weapon, shatters the closest animal's knee. The horse crashes to the ground over its rider, crushing him. The feral creature jumps and, still in the air, delivers a powerful punch. His brass knuckles clash against the jaw of the other horse, knocking it down with the guard on it. Werebeast leaps on the fallen man and smashes his skull with a new punch.

Orgath runs to the temple's gates. Werebeast sprints in his pursuit. The young heir of Axengard approaches the gates, but they are closed, and his predator is just about to reach him. The entrance opens; Zairos crosses it at full speed. The other Storm Dragons follow him. Werebeast jumps on Orgath, throws him on the ground. He fiercely grabs Orgath's reddish hair and raises one of his side blades. The feral man brings his weapon down to deliver a fatal blow. Zairos jumps, rolls, and, on knees, blocks the strike with his shield. Werebeast then attacks the young Dragon before he can get back to his feet. His blade cuts Zairos' leg, who rolls back to escape the next blow. Minara leaps; a flying kick to the head that knocks Werebeast down.

He rises in fury, but Little Bear intercepts him with a powerful hammer blow. Werebeast blocks with effort, blades united in front of his body, giving his rival an enraged glare. Their faces are close, and they stare at each other. Seeing the other's features makes both freeze for a moment. Little Bear's eyes become moist. Werebeast's rage becomes confusion. The other Storm Dragons approach. Werebeast roars, yet before so many skilled opponents, he runs away. With fast moves, the creature reaches the steep slope beside the temple. Agile, he climbs it, vanishing over its top a few seconds later. Kaijin tries to pursue him, but the path is too steep, making his progression too slow. He looks at Moon Hawk who shakes his head at him. Kaijin gives up on the pursuit. He will not be able to reach Werebeast.

Orgath looks at Zairos and, with a nervous simile, nods to him in gratitude. The Axengard's heir takes the scroll back from the ground. He still trembles but his eyes show determination and a deep respect as he offers it to Jygar.

Orgath: "I won't let this incident stop me from what I came here to do."

Jygar looks at him inquisitively.

Orgath: "It's an official invite to my ceremony. I would be a great honor to have all of you there."

Jygar takes the scroll in his hands and reads it in a glance, before giving it back to Orgath.

Jygar: "My apologies, but the nomination of an Axengardian General is not a ceremony for a Storm Dragon."

Orgath: "At least Zairos could go as my friend... as my brother. Minara could accompany him."

Jygar: "Forgive me, but none of us will be there, son."

Orgath: "I was almost killed!"

Jygar: "For that you can consider yourself my personal guest to the Dragons Festival... General. And don't worry, you still have three sun cycles to recover."

The Storm Dragon's leader then turns his back to the new Axengardian General and walks back towards the temple. Hurt and outraged, Orgath crumples the scroll and throws it away as he releases an angry groan.

Jygar stops for a second to watch Zairos. Limping, with a bloody leg, the young Dragon walks to Little Bear and gently touches his shoulder.

Zairos: "What happened?"

Little Bear stares at the ground for a few seconds. Tears run down from his perplexed eyes. Finally, he opens a nervous smile.

Little Bear: "The Big Bear... my brother... he's alive!"


Dozens of military men form several rows in the palace's huge hall. Axengard nobles fill each side of the room. On the throne, at the top of a small staircase, sits General Uldresh. His grandson, Orgath, elegantly dressed, stands before him. The General strikes the ground with the bottom of an adorned long double-sided axe, three times. The sound echoes through the hall. Orgath bows on a knee in front of Uldresh's feet. The old general rises, holding the ceremonial axe like a scepter.

General Uldresh: "Nobles and warriors of Axengard! I nominate Orgath, my grandson, General of Axengard. Upon my death, he will succeed me as the High Commander of the Axengardian Empire."

Again, three times, Uldresh knocks the axe on the floor. Orgath extends his hands and, together with his grandfather, holds the axe.

General Uldresh: "Rise, Orgath, General of Axengard!"

Orgath, axe in hand, turns to the guests. He hits the floor with the axe, the usual three times once more. The audience gives three cheers in response. The new general of Axengard grins.

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