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The sun descends in the horizon, hidden behind the turmoiled ocean. Strong winds cross the sea to raise the sand over the shore. There, Minara lies inside a casket on a stone platform. Her open blue eyes seem alive, gazing at a distant point in the sky. With arms crossed and hands touching her opposite shoulders, she holds her swords pointed downward. The backs of her hands reveal mortuary tattoos.

Feigon, hunched over her body, uses his blood to finish the last rune. From a silver pitcher he slowly pours a thin and transparent oil over her body as he prays in the Ancient Language. Crouched on one knee, heads down, Orgath and the Dragons surround the platform. Feigon signals them to stand up, one at a time: Orgath, Little Bear, Jygar, and finally, Zairos. The devastated husband approaches Minara. He bends down to leave a farewell kiss on her forehead. A tear falls from his face right over one of her eyes, running down Minara's face, as if she cries with him.

Holding the casket between them with one hand, Zairos and Jygar, helped by Orgath and Little Bear just behind, remove the opened casket from its stand. Then they walk towards the grave a few steps ahead. They keep their heads bowed, except for Zairos, who looks forward with vacant eyes in a face distorted by pain. Carefully, they rest the casket in a shallow burrow - four feet deep. They coat Minara with a blue mantle and start to cover her with the twisted earth heaped around it. Eyes closed, Zairos kneels. He digs his fingers in the earth, trying to control the agony of his unbearable grief. Snow starts to fall. He opens his eyes, searching for Nairon. Covered with a white blanket, his son rests on a pyre, ready to be cremated.

Zairos stands. With shaky steps, he heads to his child's body. A snowflake lands on his face. Then a tear falls and melts with it and, together, they run down his face. Their steps are heavy and staggering as a related memory invades his mind with each of them.


- His eyes freeze with a child's innocent passion as he sees Minara in the alley for the first time;

- She knocks him down in their first day of training and then laughs in her joyful way;

- They kiss and then make love under the moonlight;

- Minara sings and they weep with joy on the birth of Nairon;

- On his knees, Nairon prays for him in the temple's sanctuary, the boy laughs as he and Minara play their "tickle battle";

- Nairon hugs Minara after Zairos' first victory;

- At Orgath's side, he proudly watches the happy faces of Nairon and Minara training for the last time;

- The delight of his last spar with his son a few moments later;

- Nairon's frustrated face changes into one with a wide smile, his last one, as Zairos tells him to never give up and invites his child to a new round.

Feigon hands Zairos the lit torch, bringing his thoughts back to the present. He raises it and stares at the blue fire. His wet eyes reflect the flame's shine. Like a lightning bolt, his memories hit him again.


- Fallen and stained in blood, Minara calls for their son;

- Orgath, desperate, carrying the dead body of Nairon;

- His beloved wife and son, lifeless embraced by his own shaking arms;

- His child's face disfigured into a blood and flesh mess.

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