Chapter 12. FIRST BLOODS

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Beneath a bright moon, in front of the Dragon God's iron sculpture, Jygar stands before Zairos, Minara, and Little Bear, lined up, side by side. A strong wind pounds their faces. Jygar looks in the eyes of each one. Little Bear gives a slight smile, which fades at his master's serious expression.

Jygar: "The tension between Darkhforst and Axengard is increasing. Night Eye incites his uncle, Sacred Oak, the regent priest, to war. Orgath, no matter how much he tries, and despite being his grandson, can't stop General Uldresh's war wishes. The Covenant still is, and forever will be, our only guarantee for peace."

The Storm Dragons leader bows his head briefly. A light drizzle starts to fall.

Jygar: "Our brother Moon Hawk is dead, Kaijin is now a renegade, and I'm--"

Little Bear: "You're the great Jygar! The greatest of all."

Jygar looks to his bandaged injured arm and contorts his mouth in frustration. The rain intensifies.

Jygar: "My arm... Kaijin injured me... permanently. Even with Feigon's help, I fear I may not be able to face a well-trained champion again."

Little Bear: "Don't worry about that! No one can beat Little Bear and his dragon brothers."

Jygar: "So I hope. The Three Nations are eager to try each of you. Axengard will be the first. Tomorrow, Zairos, you will face Sangir, a very experienced fighter who trained Axengard's champions for years."

Minara: "He's a loser who trained the losers. Zairos was trained by the best of all."

Jygar: "Don't underestimate him. He's a true master in combat arts. His abilities are almost a myth in Axengard. They believe he'll become a living legend tomorrow."

Minara: "He'll be just a dead legend!"

Little Bear lets out a small laugh. Lightning crashes, illuminating the sky.

Zairos: "A Storm Dragon has never been defeated. I will not be the first."


Minara is troubled in her sleep, her head shaking from side to side. With a jolt, she opens her eyes and her hand immediately seeks Zairos at her side. Nothing. Her eyes scan the whole bedroom for him. Nothing again. She jumps from the bed and in a rush leaves the bedroom.


At the end of a long corridor, the opened doors of a children's dormitory become closer and closer as Minara runs toward it. There, she sees the figure of a muscled man leaving the beds behind. He heads toward her.

Zairos: "Nairon isn't here."

She stops, lowers her eyes for an instant and then looks at Zairos with smiling eyes.

Minara: "I think I know where he is."


The large room has its walls covered with paintings telling the story of how The Covenant was created. At its bottom is the entrance of a small grotto. Inside, bluish flame torches bathe with flickering lights a beautiful statue of Ghoddrak. At its feet, a seven-years-old boy prays, on his knees.

Nairon: "Great guardian of the heavens and men, shelter us under his wings to protect us from evil, may his flame cleanse and enlighten our ways. Let your scales be our shields, your claws our swords. To those who challenge us, only the fury of the storms and the fierceness of the dragons."

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