Epilogue. LEGENDS

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On a dark night, seated around a crackling fire and without blinking, many children listen to the elder seated with them. Feigon, now really old, tells the kids stories and legends about the destruction of Orgath and the powerful Axengardian army.

In the first one, Axengard's soldiers fight and kill each other, a mad expression at their faces. Kaijin repeatedly strikes Orgath with his axes, bathing them both in blood.

Feigon: "Men without faith said the Dragon's Breath blown from the cave turned Axengard's warriors fully insane, making them fight against themselves. The life of their General being taken by the hands of his Captain."

The perfect version for those who do not believe in gods and supernatural powers.

In the next, Feigon opens his arms and kneels before Lissa's corpse. A bluish light emerges from her and darts through the dark sky to reach the clouds. Lightning strikes as Ghoddrak dives onto Orgath's army, smashing several soldiers on its landing. The Dragon God opens his huge fangs, ready to devour their General. Cowering in fear, Orgath screams in horror.

Feigon: "Faithful people believed I summoned Lissa's spirit to bring the Great Ghoddrak from the heavens. The fangs, claws and flames of the Dragon God tearing Orgath and his men."

The favorite version of Dragon God worshippers.

In the following, hundreds of diaphanous warrior's souls come from every place. They are absorbed as they collide with their target: Jygar. When he assimilates the last soul, his eyes glow with dazzling blue flames. Jygar breaks through the enemy lines, killing many Axengardian foes with each blow. With a sweeping sword strike at Orgath's waist, he splits his body in two.

Feigon: "Others swore that Jygar received the souls and the strength of the dead champions. Then, alone, he slew the terrible oppressor and all his army."

For the many who saw Jygar, the Last Storm Dragon, as their great hero, this was the version they liked the most.

In the last one, side by side, the Dragons walk away from the uncountable corpses. Feigon lands a hand on Jygar's shoulder as they watch them fade out in the surrounding fog.

Feigon: "But the wisest among the men were sure of another truth. This old priest prayed to the Dragon God and Ghoddrak answered me, opening the Gates of Death. Zairos then guided the Storm Dragons through it, to join Jygar in the land of the living and annihilated the Axengard Army."

This version, the old priest's preferred one, had even more of a legendary flavor to him than the other ones.

Seated next to a CHUBBY BOY, a FRECKLED GIRL with curious eyes interrupts the wise old man.

Freckled Girl: "And what happened after?"

His wrinkles become even more pronounced as Feigon frowns and tells them about the reconstruction of the Three Nations.

In Sunphire, mutilated, wounded, people wail in the streets. In Darkhforst, ruined houses, desolate men and women spread everywhere. In Axengard, a mother holds her crying boy while her grandmother looks at them with moist eyes.

Feigon: "The Prophecy predicted the End of the Three Nations. And by war, war itself was taken from the heart of man. Without regents, generals or armies, people from the suffering nations needed someone they could trust, someone they could follow. Someone to help them reconstruct their lives. Someone to unite them."

In Sunphire, Jygar commands and assists a group as they take care of many broken and injured people. In Darkhforst, he helps to rebuild houses in a village. In Axengard, he speaks to a crowd that enthusiastically reacts to his speech. A boy, holding his parents' hands, smiles. In Thalderan, from a temple's high tower, Jygar waves to the people of the once Three Nations, now united, making a single people, a single nation. The Dragon's Realm!

Feigon: "Then, the living legend, the last Storm Dragon rose again. The peace warrior became the leader. The leader became the king, the first of a new unified Nation. The Eternal Champion, the Immortal King, they called Jygar."

Astonished, the little girl with freckles gazes at the High Priest.

Freckled Girl: "Jygar, the Immortal... King!?"

She smiles, lost in thoughts for a second. A LITTLE BOY with wide eyes stands, excited, looking at the priest.

Little Boy: "You are so... old. Maybe you are the Immortal!"

Feigon laughs with the children as the Chubby Boy seems pensive.

Feigon: "Life is made of decisions. One of them is to take what you will believe or not. So, now it is your time to make your own choice."

Chubby Boy: "Hey! What happened to the Dragons who rose from the dead?"

Little Boy: "Is it true that Jygar fought beside them in the Great Tempest Wars?"

Lightning! Thunder! A torrential rain suddenly falls over them. Feigon smiles. The kids huddle together and hug each other, trying to cover themselves with something, but none of them dares to leave. They know it is to the sound of a strong storm that the high priest tells his best stories.

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