Chapter Five

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Raleigh opened her eyes slowly. In front of her was a short old man in a white lab coat grinning at her. She was greatly distressed by his prescience, trying to get up from the chair she was in she would realize she was bolted to it. She wasn't going anywhere. "Good to see you again G-534." The old man said mocking her. "That is not my name!" She yelled out angry, very offended by him calling her that. "Ah yes you go by that other name now. Not that it matters you're going back to The Trial worlds." She was visibly shaken by this, but after calming down she started to form a plan. It would seem they didn't know she had modified her hand with cybernetics. She looked around the room for her weapon as she used a tool on her hand to free herself from the binds without him noticing. "Why did you even come here? The reaper could have taken me to that..... place." "I had a side project to work on, so I decided to come get you personally."

This greatly worried her, anything this man was involved in couldn't be good. "I know that face." He grinned. "You want to know what it is?" He pointed to the other side of the room at a large machine, she had no idea what it was. "It's a bomb powerful enough to destroy the entire planet." She started to grasp what he was saying. "Worlds like these are extremely valuable to The Empire, it will be a great addition to the conquest." "Aren't there imperial soldiers on this world?" Raleigh asked already knowing the answer. "There are, but nothing of consequence." He would say. The Reaper appears interjecting. "Don't you think you've shared enough good doctor?" He didn't seem to want her to know anything about the plan at all. "Oh goodness your right, I just couldn't help myself R-55." The old man would say. "How are you... alive?" Raleigh asked sheepishly only to be ignored by her as he walked over to the bomb.

Loki and Clyde arrived outside a manhole standing over it. "Their base is the sewer?" Clyde asked. "It would seem that way," Loki answered using his foot to make the cover fly into the air, kicking it to the side, and jumping straight into the abyss. Reluctantly Clyde followed climbing the ladder carefully instead. Looking around seeing the dirty water, and the terrible smell he covered his nose. "I was kinda hoping it was a fake sewer." Loki chuckled. "Perhaps it is, only a rather impressive one." They both started to walk down the tunnel, Loki still taking the lead. Loki stops when they reach a turn. Whispering he said, "There are guards around that corner." Clyde nodded pulling out the cube trying to activate it. He manages to transform it into a gun prematurely firing it catching the attention of the guards. "Shit!" Clyde yelled out as the guards rounded the corner with their weapons drawn. He fired way more shots at them than he really needed to, making them fall almost instantly. Seemingly surprised he asked. "Are they... dead?" Loki leaned down checking both of their pulses. "It would seem your weapon is on stun. Clyde sighed he wasn't ready to become a murderer yet.

They both turned their attention to the corner. An elevator was before them, it seemed to be what they were guarding. "How close are we now?" asked Clyde. "It's at the bottom of this shaft," Loki answered. They both nodded getting into the elevator. "Be prepared my friend I won't be joining in the fight If I can help it," Loki said. "What do you mean?" Clyde asked confused. "I'm a pacifist of sorts," Loki stated. Clyde didn't seem to understand what the man meant but didn't even know how to ask. The door opened as they reached the bottom floor. They were greeted by a group of armed soldiers. "It would seem they are already aware of our arrival."

They fired on both of them as they hid on both sides of the elevator. Loki tried to reason with them, poking his head out. "Listen. We don't have to resort to such barbarism! Let's talk this out in a calm manner!" He pleaded with them, but his words fell on deaf ears. "Wouldn't things be better for everyone if we discussed things over a drink?" He kept up his attempts, but all they did was continue to fire at them.

Loki sighed, "It would seem they have forced my hand." He walked into the line of fire, Clyde was in awe, wondering how was he able to avoid their attacks so effortlessly. His mind couldn't keep up with how fast he was moving. "I detest violence." The guards seemed to catch on, stopping almost out of fear. "Didn't anyone ever tell you?" Loki held his hat down on his head with his left hand, swiping the air with his other. This produced a huge amount of ice from his hand, freezing them all in place. His eyes glow a light blue as he says the words."Those who inflict harm should be prepared to be harmed."

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