Chapter Fourteen

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A group of color-coordinated heroes were in mid-combat with a strange-looking monster. It laughed maniacally. All of them had one primary color along with a different secondary one. Their costumes were mostly the same, with the minor difference that seemed to show off their personalities. The whole body of the monster was a huge clock covered in smaller clocks, all with the same time on them, 8:45. "It's time for you to die, scouts." The hero clad in white, and gold stepped forward striking a pose, and pointing at the clock monster he appeared to be their leader. He also had a wide-brimmed hat, which he used one of his hands to hold onto dramatically. "No, it will be you who is out of time." He changed his pose again. "Evil will never beat the likes of good." He said, charging forward, followed by the other heroes. They all landed a strike in perfect sync with each other, cracking the main clock on the chest of the monster, and causing his hands to stop moving. They then posed together in front of the monster, and an explosion came out of nowhere to finish him off.

The Purple one broke formation, looking back on their work. "Alright, the city is saved once again." "Foolish Scouts, I've still got plenty of time to ruin your beloved city." The clock monster suddenly appeared to grow much larger and fully healed. He was at least 50 feet tall. "Looks like it's time to call in the Zechs." The Green one would say. "Right!" They all said in unison, raising some sort of device into the air, calling 5 giant robots to their location. They all leaped up, and into the different ones with no issue. "Looks like he forgot to adjust for daylight savings, guys, let's help him out." The Orange one said as they started to combine together.

The Hopper enters the city right as the clock monster started to grow. "That doesn't look good, it's a giant clock thing," Raleigh said, ready to engage it in battle. The turrets were locked on ready to fire, they just needed to get closer. This is the first time Clyde had seen The Hopper truly attack something, He was interested to see what it could do. He would have to wait longer because right as the hopper entered firing range the Five robots were combining, causing them to collide. "Oh shit! Hold onto something, Clyde." Raleigh said in a panic. The Hopper flew past them knocking them all over the city before hitting the giant clock thing killing it. It fell back, slowly disappearing into dust. Somehow both of them were fine, The hopper not so much. Raleigh ran out of the vessel assessing the damage, grieving her fallen friend this had to be the worst he had seen of it, but at this point, it didn't phase him with the times they have crashed. "Are you sure you know how to fly this thing?" Clyde said, mocking her. "Quiet, you know it was the monster's fault!" She growled, assaulting his arm lightly. "Hey!" Three people with different colored shirts Interrupted their bickering.

Raleigh looked over at them. "Yeah, what do you want." She said bluntly. Clyde seemed to recognize them. "Oh Shit, Raleigh, those are the Ultra Scouts!" Clyde actually sounded excited for once. "The Ultra... who?" Raleigh said unimpressed. They stood there slightly annoyed but let him explain it to her. "The Ultra Scouts!" He leaned in, whispering to her. "On my earth, they are just fictional people, but it's one of my favorite shows. It looks like the white, and Green ones are missing though" The one in Orange steps forward now. "Who are you guys?" Raleigh oh course chimes in. "I am the great Verse Hopper, Captain Raleigh." She smiled, looking very pleased with herself. "And this is my sidekick, Clyde." "Sidekick we are still doing that bit?" Clyde stated underwhelmed by his apparent position on her crew. "Never heard of you." One of the teens said. Raleigh looked upset to hear that, but Clyde didn't seem surprised they didn't know her.

Trying to save face in front of his childhood heroes, Clyde said. "We are sorry about running into your Zechs, and everything, we just saw a city in trouble, and wanted to help." They all seemed to take that excuse pretty well. "Oh, I see, so you're on the side of good too, huh? If you really didn't mean it..." The Orange one said, only for the Purple one to interject. "It is not. White and Green scout was injured pretty badly. Who's going to protect the city with them out of commission?" The blue Scout looked over at them both, sizing them up. "You know, they just so happen to have the same body types as our fellow Scouts. They could fill in for them until they get better." 

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